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Once you have obtained your material change of use and/or reconfiguring of a lot approval, you may need engineering, environmental and landscaping feedback on detailed design and/or operational work requirements.

How to book

You can request an Operational Work Pre-design Advice meeting by emailing us the meeting request form. Email to: [email protected]

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Council will confirm the meeting 48 hours from lodgement of request.

Council will schedule the meeting within ten business days of lodgement of request.


A one-hour meeting with up to two Council officers for customers seeking Operational Work advice relating to an approved development (Material Change of Use or Reconfiguring a Lot) and prior to submitting a detailed Operational Work development application.

We recommend this service for customers seeking to discuss specific performance outcomes and obtain specialist technical advice relating to engineering, biodiversity, landscaping and/or environmental management prior to lodgement of a detailed Operational Work development application.

The meeting is available online, hybrid or in-person.

Includes discussion on Performance Solutions relating to engineering and environmental matters.

On-site meetings incur additional cost.


This service is not suitable for complex or major development proposals requiring multiple specialist or town planning input.

This service does not include written advice.

Any advice provided does not constitute approval.

What we need from you:

You must have an approved higher order application.

For Operational Work Pre-design, you must provide details of any existing approvals and concepts where necessary when you lodge your request.

You must identify specific questions, discussion points and specific performance outcomes on which you seek feedback within your request form.

Council may refer you to a different level of service upon review of the materials lodged at the time of the request.