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Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information published on MyMaps, Sunshine Coast Regional Council does not guarantee the correctness of correctness, accuracy, currency, adequacy, or completeness of data, spatial or otherwise, published on this website.

The digital maps and images available from the MyMaps web mapping site are available for use, free of charge. However, the information must not be reproduced for business purposes, in whole or in part, without the express permission of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. You must agree to certain conditions before you can save the digital maps or images for re-use in your own business. Typical purposes for which permission is required include inserting MyMaps produced maps or images into advertising, drawings or report documents, where these documents are released to third parties. These conditions are as follows:

  • the digital maps or images are not to be used for inappropriate purposes, which would reflect negatively on the Sunshine Coast Region community or council
  • the digital maps or images are not to be used at inappropriate scales, where due to the combination of differences in accuracy or captured scale of layers included on the map, and including the fine detail presentation, the information portrayed may not accurately reflect the actual situation
  • the use of the digital maps or images must be acknowledged by leaving the Sunshine Coast Regional Council mark on the bottom left corner of the image
  • the digital maps or images are not to be used as the basis for or in connection with any navigation system
  • anyone using the digital maps or images are using them at their own risk, the council accepts no liability or responsibility as a result of using the map or image.

Please submit your request to re-use MyMaps images. Your request should describe the purpose of your re-use of the information, and indicate acceptance of the above conditions.

MyMaps is provided externally as a service to the community. The council does not warrant that this web service will be available at all times, that the service will continue to be available in the future, or that the functionality provided by MyMaps will not substantially change. It is therefore recommended that you take note of these points if you are considering developing new business processes around this service. It is not intended that you would develop a business use of this site in a manner that means you or your organisation become dependant upon it. If MyMaps does become unavailable, the information available through this site is also available from council through Customer Contact.