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What is a vendor code and how do I get one?

What is a vendor code and how do I get one?

Vendor codes are unique identifiers assigned to you. They are to use for submitting requests to council's application programming interfaces (APIs). They are assigned to you when ready to begin formal engagement. This is first in test, and then in our production environment (subject to sign off).

What are descriptors and how does descriptor mappings work?

What are descriptors and how does descriptor mappings work?

Descriptors are data fields that translate to entries, in form 11 for on-site sewerage facility (OSF) and form 9 for backflow.

For example, form 11:

Question 2 Treatment plant details: Treatment plant brand

OSF descriptor used: OSFIntBrnd

OSF descriptor description: Brand and type of facility

OSF API schema:


             "type": "string",

             "default": "AquaNova"

While a majority of descriptors records are one to one mapping for form 11 and 9, there may be some that are unique to council. Council identified these as valuable information for extra monitoring of contaminant levels and ensuring water quality.

How and when do descriptor values get populated?

How and when do descriptor values get populated?

Descriptor values are unique to individual integrators. They are populated upon integrators readiness to begin formal engagement with council. For initial testing of the APIs, we recommend you use the sample data set available in our developer portal.

How do I submit reports (documents) through the API?

How do I submit reports (documents) through the API?

The API accepts documents in Base64.


"report": {

      "type": "string",

      "description": "Report as a Base64 string",

      "default": ""


    "reportFilename": {

      "type": "string",

      "description": "The name of the report file",

      "default": ""



"pdfDocumentInBase64": {

      "type": "string",

      "description": "Attach a PDF by encoding the file to base64.\r\nOptional.",

      "nullable": true,

      "default": ""


"serialNumberPhotoInBase64": {

      "type": "string",

      "description": "Attach a Photo by encoding the file to base64.\r\nOptional.",

      "nullable": true,

      "default": ""


Is integration to eServices secure?

Is integration to eServices secure?

Any integrations and information you send using eServices, remains secure from other API users. Service and test report information lodged using eServices, is secure and remains the property of council.

Inappropriate access to, or misuse of this information is a criminal offence and carries severe penalties.

Related pages

An image about eServices


Use council's plumbing eServices system for submitting routine inspection reports for on-site sewerage facilities and backflow prevention devices.