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Water and sewer infrastructure within road reserves

Standard conditions and specifications for water and sewer infrastructure within road reserves.

Standard conditions and specifications

The following is presented to aid developers on the Sunshine Coast

  1. The water and/or sewer entity is required to contact council before installing infrastructure in the road reserve to advise council of the nature and location of the intended work and obtain council approval
  2. All procedures and agreements are to be in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia National Codes and the Operational Works Planning Scheme Policy
  3. All service infrastructure under constructed bitumen or asphalt surfaced roads are to be bored unless specifically approved in writing by council. Only roads with gravel surfaces may be trenched. Road crossings should be at 90º to the road centreline wherever possible
  4. Trenching and reinstatement is to comply with the Standard Drawing (refer to item 1 of the Addenda)
  5. Any infrastructure laid by or on behalf of a water and/or sewer entity in a location, alignment, depth or manner not in accordance with these conditions or standards (non-standard works) will, if required by council, have to be relocated at the carrier's cost unless council gave written approval for the non-standard work
  6. Any infrastructure installed without council consultation and approval (whether or not it meets council standards), may require relocation should the installed infrastructure conflict with existing or planned council assets.  All costs associated with such relocation work is to be paid by the relevant water and/or sewer entity
  7. All infrastructure is to be constructed within the standard water and sewer alignment and at the specified depth in accordance with Standard Drawings RS-100 and RS-101.Note: This alignment is for the use of all water and sewer entities
  8. Infrastructure markers for underground installations are to be provided at all kerb crossings, footpaths and driveways (refer to item 2 of the Addenda)
  9. Redundant pits and conduits are to be removed and the area reinstated
  10. All work within the boundaries of state controlled roads are to be approved by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (refer to item 3 of the Addenda for contact details)
  11. Traffic control, during construction and/or maintenance, is to be provided and maintained in accordance with the current Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads ‘Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices’. The traffic management plan must conform to the MUTCD and signed off by an officer who has completed MUTCD Level 3 qualification. The name and qualification of the completing officer must be shown on the plan. Approved traffic management plans are to be provided to and retained by, the utility provider’s site staff (including sub-contractors)
  12. Traffic Disruption Notification – Council is to be notified of any work requiring traffic management. This is to ensure that there is no conflict of work. Details of the guidelines can be found in item 11 of the specifications.  Council would appreciate a period of seven working days notice. A copy of the approved traffic management plan is to be emailed to [email protected] (refer to item 4 of the Addenda)
  13. The water and/or sewer entity is to obtain current details of council’s services from council (refer to item 5 of the Addenda for contact details). Council’s “As Constructed” data is indicative only. Services are to be identified prior to excavation. Any damage to council’s services will be repaired at the water and/or sewer entities cost
  14. The water and/or sewer entity is to ensure that satisfactory erosion and sediment controls are installed and maintained in accordance with council’s Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control (refer to item 6 of the Addenda for details)
  15. Council’s representative is to be contacted to arrange for inspection of the completed work by council (refer to item seven of the Addenda for contact details)
  16. The water and/or sewer entity shall provide “As Constructed” details of non-standard alignments to council. Council shall keep a record of all approved non-standard alignments
  17. If existing concrete pathways/driveways need to be modified or cut, full width panels of pathway/driveways between existing joints are to be removed. No pathways/driveways are to be cut longitudinally in half or part thereof. Reinstatement is to comply with the applicable Standard Drawings: RS-065 for pathways, RS-49, RS-50, RS-0051 and RS-56 for driveways.When valves and hydrants are to be installed within council’s concrete pathways, localised reinstatement of the immediate fitting surround is not permitted. New concrete panels shall be provided in accordance with Standard Drawing RS-065, with new and existing construction joints spaced no less than 1 metre
  18. Tree Removal
    • Rural Areas – The removal of any trees must be approved separately by council.  The application is to include photographs of the site, statement of environmental effects and any environmental controls proposed
    • Urban Areas – The removal of any tree must be approved separately by council. The application is to include photographs of each individual tree identified for removal. Any approval shall be subject to the following conditions
      • all debris associated with the work is to be removed from the site
      • the stump is to be ground below the level of the nature strip and backfilled to original level of the nature strip
      • no other vegetation is to be damaged
      • the footpath is to be left in a neat, tidy and safe condition.
  19. Tree Pruning shall comply with Australian Standard AS 4373 –2007 Pruning of amenity trees
  20. All forms of installation and excavations within the calculated protection zone of trees (TPZ), shall comply to AS 4970-2009 'Protection of trees on development sites' (this includes the installation of services near trees in road reserve)
  21. All areas that are disturbed by the operations are to be restored to the original conditions which will include, but not be limited to, levelling, compaction to prevent future sinking, top soiling and turf (or seed with a compatible grass seed mixture in rural areas)
  22. Service location paint markings on hard surfaces (footpaths and roads etc.) must be non-permanent and must be removed after work is complete. Use of crayon, chalk or water-based paint is suggested. The marking of grassed areas is preferred
  23. Where the proposed work requires trenching through turf, destruction of vegetation, cutting of driveways, construction of pillars, pits or poles fronting private property, the water and/or sewer entity is required to consult with the affected property owner
  24. Should council’s future work require the relocation of service infrastructure installed outside standard alignment, the cost of relocation is to be met by the carrier
  25. At stream locations, council would prefer that the water and/or sewer entity not be attached to council bridge infrastructure
  26. A minimum cover of 1.0 metre is to be provided for all service infrastructure under road pavements, and minimum cover of 0.6 metres in road verges
  27. In urban areas where the verge is not a nominal 3% from the back of the kerb, council shall be contacted to determine final levels. Installation of service infrastructure at the existing level may compromise councils ability for subsequent verge or footpath construction.  Similarly where the verge rises either side of a driveway, service infrastructure depths shall be set at a level that allows the verge to be cut down to achieve an accessible path of travel as defined in AS1428.
  28. The minimum cover requirements are to be maintained under table drains and open drain
  29. All service infrastructure work on council properties and reserves requires separate approval via council’s Property Management Branch (refer to item 8 of the Addenda for contact details).


Item #Related ConditionDescription
1.4.Road reinstatement detailRefer Standard drawing RS-170 Pavement Extension Trenching and Widening
2.8.Underground installation marking

E markers area to be provided where underground installations cross under kerbs/driveways and footpaths.

All underground, buried electrical joint pits shall be marked with ground identification plates.

All changes of direction shall be marked with arrowed ground plates

3.10.Transport and Main Roads Contact

Transport and Main Roads

[email protected]

Ph: (07) 5451 7055

4.12.Transport Disruption NotificationNotify council of specific location seven working days prior to commencement of works
5.13.Council existing underground servicesContact Dial Before You Dig Ph: 1100
6.14.Erosion and Sediment ControlsErosion and sediment controls
7.15.Council's representative / inspector

Contact: Technical Officer

Transport & Traffic Project Investigations Unit

Ph: (07) 5420 8910

Email: [email protected]

8.29.Council Property Management Branch

Contact: Senior Property Officer

Land Management Unit

[email protected]