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Changes to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 are called amendments and may involve a change to a planning scheme map (i.e. a zoning change), changes to the text of the planning scheme, or both.

Planning scheme amendments are required from time to time to keep the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 up to date and operating effectively. The process for amending a planning scheme is set out in the Planning Act 2016 and the Minister's guidelines and rules.

Why planning scheme amendments?

There are a number of reasons why council makes amendments to the planning scheme. These include to:

  • incorporate the outcomes of new local area or site planning processes which have been undertaken since the commencement of the planning scheme
  • respond to new or changed State government legislation or planning policy that is required to be reflected in the planning scheme (e.g. the Planning Act 2016 and the SEQ regional plan 2017)
  • respond to emerging issues which were not thought significant when the planning scheme was prepared but have become more important over time
  • respond to major changes in economic, social or environmental conditions that have occurred since the planning scheme was prepared (noting that the plan-making process was several years in the making), and
  • rectify errors or inconsistencies that have been identified during the ongoing operation of the planning scheme.

More information about planning scheme amendments can be found in the About planning scheme amendments information sheet (PDF, 2073KB).

An overview of all amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 to date can be viewed in the Table of amendments (PDF, 60KB) or more detailed information can be found in Adopted amendments.

Information about proposed amendments approved by council for adoption and public consultation on proposed planning scheme amendments is also available.

Each time an amendment is adopted, a superseded planning scheme is created.

For regular updates on planning scheme amendments and related information, please subscribe to our mailing list.
