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The former Caloundra City Council adopted the Caloundra City Plan 2004 on 25 August 2004. It officially commenced on 29 September 2004. On 21 May 2014 the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 replaced the Caloundra City Plan 2004.

The Caloundra City Plan 2004 was prepared in accordance with the Integrated Planning Act 1997, to manage a high rate of growth without compromising the environmental, economic and community values of Caloundra City.

The Caloundra City Plan 2004 was the first planning scheme for Caloundra City to be prepared under the Integrated Planning Act 1997.

About City Plan

Caloundra City Plan 2004 is a legal document that managed new development on every parcel of land within Caloundra City. Such development, which is defined in the Integrated Planning Act 1997, may include any of the following:

  • material change of use of premises (e.g. redevelopment of a house for residential units)
  • reconfiguring a lot (e.g. subdivision of land or boundary alteration)
  • carrying out operational work (e.g. excavation or filling, placing an advertising device on premises or landscape works)
  • carrying out building work (e.g. building, repairing, altering, moving or demolishing a building).

View the former Caloundra City Plan

You can view the former Caloundra City Plan here (includes Amendment 6 update of 16 September 2013), or view a printed copy at council's Caloundra office.

Help with the Caloundra City Plan

A range of advice is available to help you work with or interpret the Caloundra City Plan.


The Caloundra City Plan user's guide (PDF, 417KB) contains general advice on the interpretation of elements of the planning scheme.

The Caloundra City Plan detached house guide (PDF, 316KB) contains specific advice on the interpretation of the detached house code.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The Caloundra City Plan FAQs (PDF, 251KB) provides answers to the most frequently asked Caloundra City Plan questions.

Please contact planningscheme@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au for more information.