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The following is a summary of all adopted amendments for the former Caloundra City Plan 2004. All amendments are listed in chronological order.

Master table of amendments (PDF, 34KB).

Update 6 Various amendments and inclusion of new part 10 priority infrastructure plan

Update 6 Various amendments and inclusion of new part 10 priority infrastructure plan

Adopted amendment - update 6

On 22 August 2013 council adopted amendment no.6 to Caloundra City Plan 2004.

The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendments is to allow for the inclusion of a priority infrastructure plan into each of the three planning schemes. Priority infrastructure plans provide information related to the trunk infrastructure needed to service existing and future development. They cover infrastructure networks for:

  • transport
  • parks
  • land for community facilities
  • stormwater
  • water supply
  • sewerage networks.

They set the desired standards of service for each infrastructure network and planning for future infrastructure.

The adopted amendment came into effect on Monday 16 September 2013.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 5 Changes to multiple elements of the scheme

Update 5 Changes to multiple elements of the scheme

Adopted amendment - update 5

On 2 August 2011 council adopted amendment no.5 to Caloundra City Plan 2004.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to allow a community residence (example hospice) as defined in the instruments to provide palliative care in the residential and rural precincts.

Community residence is defined as any dwelling used for accommodation for a maximum of 6 persons who require assistance or support with daily living needs, share communal spaces and who may be unrelated. The use may include a resident support worker engaged or employed in the management of the residence.

The use will be self-assessable in the residential and rural precincts listed in the instruments.

The adopted amendment came into effect on Monday 8 August 2011.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 3B Amend the precinct allocation for lot 532 CG3803 to extend Caloundra landfill site

Update 3B Amend the precinct allocation for lot 532 CG3803 to extend Caloundra landfill site

Adopted amendment - update 3B

On 22 June 2011 council adopted amendment no.3B (lot 532 CG3803) to Caloundra City Plan 2004.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to extend the Caloundra landfill site at Pierce Avenue to include additional adjoining land to meet the future waste disposal and recycling needs of the Sunshine Coast by changing the precinct class of lot 532 CG3803 from open space - sport and recreation to:

  • part community purpose - major utility (refuse landfill and recycling facility)
  • part open space - conservation and waterways.

The amendment came into effect on Monday 27 June 2011.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 4 Amend precinct allocations for certain sites in Beerwah, Landsborough and Glass House Mountains

Update 4 Amend precinct allocations for certain sites in Beerwah, Landsborough and Glass House Mountains

Adopted amendment - update 4

Notice is given in accordance with the repealed Integrated Planning Act 1997, that on 11 May 2011 the Sunshine Coast Council adopted amendment no.4 (LGMS Sites) to Caloundra City Plan 2004.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to:

  • amend the precinct allocations for certain sites in the Beerwah, Landsborough and Glass House Mountains from rural residential settlement to township residential
  • amend the precinct allocations for certain sites in Beerwah and Glass House Mountains from part rural residential settlement and part open space conservation and waterways to part township residential and part open space conservation and waterways
  • make various changes to volumes 4 and 6 to reflect the changes.

The amendment came into effect on Monday 16 May 2011.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 3C Provide for and guide development of Meridan Plains extractive resource area

Update 3C Provide for and guide development of Meridan Plains extractive resource area

Adopted amendment - update 3C

The Meridan Plains extractive resource area is located on the western fringe of the coastal urban communities of Caloundra West and Kawana Forest. The area is situated just south of the proposed future Greenfield major development area of Palmview and the existing urban community of Sippy Downs. The area is generally bound by Caloundra Road to the south, the Bruce Highway to the west, Laxton Road to the north and Meridan Way in the east and is estimated to be 1095 hectares in size (which is made up of approximately 714 hectares of potential extraction area and 381 hectares of proposed separation/buffer area).

The Meridan Plains extractive resource area is identified as key resource area 49 (KRA 49) for the extraction of fine to coarse-grained sand under State Planning Policy 2/07 – protection of extractive resources. The South East Queensland (SEQ) Regional Plan 2009– 2031 also identifies and protects the Mooloolah River floodplain for extractive resources.

On 8 December 2010 the Sunshine Coast Council resolved to adopt amendment no.3C (Meridan Plains extractive resource area) to Caloundra City Plan 2004, that came into effect on 10 January 2011. The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to provide for, and guide development of, the Meridan Plains key resource area. 

Amendment no.3C to Caloundra City Plan 2004 includes:

  • changes to the rural and open space – conservation precinct assessment tables to provide for code assessable extractive resource development in the Meridan Plains extractive resource area
  • changes to the extractive industry code and Mooloolah Valley planning area code to include Meridan Plains extractive resource area
  • changes to the Mooloolah Valley precinct map MVP1, Mooloolah Valley overlay map MVP2, extractive resource areas and separation areas map 7.4 and natural economic resources map DEO 1.2 to identify Meridan Plains extractive resource area
  • the Meridan Plains extractive resource area master plan - figure 8.6 and Meridan Plains extractive resource area end use concept plan - figure 8.7.

In relation to the development of Meridan Plains extractive resource area please refer to the questions and answers sheet (PDF, 418KB).

The amendment came into effect on Monday 10 January 2011.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update Palmview structure plan and planning scheme policy

Update Palmview structure plan and planning scheme policy

Adopted amendment - Palmview structure plan and planning scheme policy

The Palmview structure plan provides an integrated land use, infrastructure and master planning framework for the 926ha parcel of Palmview master planned area.

Council adopted the Palmview structure plan, including the Palmview structure plan planning scheme policy and consequential planning scheme amendments (as amendments to Maroochy Plan 2000 and Caloundra City Plan 2004), on 1 November 2010.

Palmview structure plan planning scheme policy:

  • states the standards identified in the Palmview structure plan area
  • provides guidelines and advice about satisfying assessment criteria in the Palmview structure plan
  • states the additional information which the council may request in respect of an application for a master plan or a development application.

The amendments include:

  • numerous changes across parts 1 to 9 of the planning scheme to reflect the adoption of the Palmview structure plan
  • in part 11, the Palmview structure plan planning scheme policy has been adopted as planning scheme policy no.11.14a
  • insertion of part 12 – Palmview structure plan
  • replacement of numerous DEO, planning area, and overlay maps to reflect the adoption of the Palmview structure plan.

The amendment came into effect on Friday 5 November 2010.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 3A Changes to Development Control Plan 1 Kawana Waters 1996 and update 3B changes to multiple elements of scheme

Update 3A Changes to Development Control Plan 1 Kawana Waters 1996 and update 3B changes to multiple elements of scheme

Adopted amendment - update 3A and 3B

Released:  December 2009

Description: Amendments to Development Control Plan 1 (DCP-1) Kawana Water 1996 (Round 3A) and Caloundra City Plan 2004 (round 3B).

On 13 November 2008, council resolved to adopt amendments to DCP-1 Kawana Waters 1996 (round 3A) and Caloundra City Plan 2004 (round 3B) conditional upon the subsequent final second state interest check process resulting in only minor changes. As a consequence of later ministerial approval to adopt the amendments unchanged under this process, council has now moved to implement these amendments. A public notice (PDF, 56KB) advising of the amendments was subsequently published in the Sunshine Coast Daily on Saturday 19 December 2009 and in the Government Gazette on Friday 18 December 2009.

Round 3A

The purpose and general effect of the round 3A amendments is to provide for the development of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital at Birtinya and relates to DCP-1 Kawana Waters 1996.

Round 3B

The purpose and general effect of round 3B amendments to Caloundra City Plan 2004 is to:

  • provide for a wider range of uses in the Moffat Beach business park compatible with the existing industrial area and surrounding residential areas, incorporating a new Moffat Beach business park planning scheme policy
  • change a portion of the Maleny community precinct (lot 2 on SP 163952, North Maleny Road, Maleny) from a rural precinct to rural residential precinct and identify a minimum lot size. This is achieved by amending the Maleny plateau planning area precinct map to change a portion of the Maleny community precinct from a rural precinct to rural residential precinct and amending the Maleny plateau planning area code map to identify the rural residential settlement precinct area as having a minimum lot size of 1500m2
  • apply environmental amendments across the whole planning scheme area to achieve consistency with the Caloundra City Council biodiversity strategy. Amendments have been made to definitions, planning area codes, the landscaping code, overlays planning scheme policy, landscaping planning scheme policy and environmental assessment and management planning scheme policy.

Amended versions include:

Both amendments came into effect on Wednesday 23 December 2009.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any queries relating to this amendment.

Update 3D Incorporate changes to the planning scheme policies for infrastructure contributions

Update 3D Incorporate changes to the planning scheme policies for infrastructure contributions

Adopted amendment - update 3D

Released: November 2009

Description: Amendments to planning scheme policies for infrastructure contributions (round 3D).

On the 29 October 2009 council resolved to adopt amendments to planning scheme policies for infrastructure contributions that came into effect on 5 November 2009. As a result of these amendments there are five new policies for infrastructure contributions for the following networks:

  • PSP No. 11.19 (Infrastructure Contributions for Path Network Infrastructure) 2009
  • PSP No. 11.22 (Infrastructure Contributions for Road Network Infrastructure) 2009
  • PSP No. 11.24 (Infrastructure Contributions for Open Space Network Infrastructure) 2009
  • PSP No. 11.26 (Infrastructure Contributions for Stormwater Infrastructure) 2009
  • PSP No. 11.27 (Infrastructure Contributions for Water Supply and Sewerage Infrastructure) 2009.

The new policies replace seven policies that had previously been adopted by Caloundra City Council in 2005. The superseded policies are:

  • PSP No. 11.19 (Infrastructure Contributions for Bike Lane, Pathway, Footpath and Coastal Path Infrastructure) 2005
  • PSP No. 11.21 (Infrastructure Contributions for Community Facility Infrastructure) 2005
  • PSP No. 11.22 (Infrastructure Contributions for Road Transport Infrastructure in Respect of the Maleny Township Planning Area, and Maleny Plateau Planning Area) 2005
  • PSP No. 11.24 (Infrastructure Contributions for Open Space) 2005a
  • PSP No. 11.26 (Infrastructure Contributions for Stormwater and Flooding Infrastructure) 2005
  • PSP No. 11.27 (Infrastructure Contributions for Water Supply and Sewerage Infrastructure) 2005
  • PSP No. 11.28 (Infrastructure Contributions for Road Network Infrastructure Excluding Maleny Township Planning Area and Maleny Plateau Planning Area) 2005.

The remaining three policies that were also adopted in 2005 have been retained and will continue to have effect.

Adoption of the amended policies also requires minor amendments to other sections of the Caloundra City Plan 2004 planning scheme, which are included in update 3D.

A public notice advising of these amendments was published in the Sunshine Coast Daily on Saturday 31 October 2009.

The amendments came into effect on Thursday 5 November 2009.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 3 Changes to development design planning scheme policy section 7, water supply and section 8, sewerage

Update 3 Changes to development design planning scheme policy section 7, water supply and section 8, sewerage

Adopted amendment - update 3

Released: November 2009

At its ordinary meeting on 29 October 2009, council adopted amendments in accordance with the requirements of schedule 3 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997. It was resolved to adopt amendments to the development design planning scheme policy section 7 - water supply and section 8 - sewerage, Caloundra City Plan 2004.

The purpose and general effect of the proposed amendments is to streamline council's design and construction standards for water supply and sewerage infrastructure across the planning schemes applying to the Sunshine Coast region. This amendment ensures that design and construction standards for water and sewerage infrastructure generally align with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) national standards, with exceptions for local requirements. The draft amendments include:

  • various minor amendments to ensure consistency
  • clarification of terms within the documents
  • increased reference to Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) national standards
  • removal of references to Caloundra City Council, replaced with reference to 'Council'
  • expectations sought by council have been clarified within each document where appropriate
  • consistent, standardised easement widths contained within each policy. The requirement is for 3m wide easements for sewers less than 3m deep and 4m wide easements for sewers in excess of 3m deep.

The amendment came into effect on 11 November 2009.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 2 Incorporates round one amendments

Update 2 Incorporates round one amendments

Adopted amendment - update 2

Released: July 2007

Description: Round one amendments comprise mostly minor and technical enhancements to the planning scheme.

The amendment came into effect on Friday 27 July 2007.

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.

Update 1 Incorporates changes to infrastructure contributions planning scheme policies

Update 1 Incorporates changes to infrastructure contributions planning scheme policies

Adopted amendment - update 1

Released: March 2006

Description: Contains various changes to the infrastructure contributions planning scheme policies in MP 1.1 of the Caloundra City Plan, as detailed below.

1.1 Infrastructure Contributions Planning Scheme Policies No. 11.19 (Infrastructure Contributions for Bike Lane , Pathway, Footpath and Coastal Path Infrastructure) and No. 11.24 (Infrastructure Contributions for Open Space) - replaced.

1.2  Infrastructure Contributions Planning Scheme Policies No. 11.20-11.27 (inclusive) replaced. New Policy No. 11.28 (Infrastructure Contributions for Road Network Infrastructure excluding the Maleny Township Planning Area and the Maleny Plateau Planning Area Infrastructure) - adopted.

The amendments came into effect on Monday 20 June 2005 (1.1) and Monday 22 August 2005 (1.2).

Please contact [email protected] for further information about the adopted amendment.