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The following information provides an overview of terms and filters used in Development.i.

Application progress filter

Application progress filter

In progress

Includes applications from lodgement until a decision is made. It also includes applications where representations have been made by the applicant and a negotiated decision is yet to be issued.

In progress - on public notification

Includes in progress applications currently on public notification.

Decided or past

Includes applications that have been decided and/or are historical.


Includes both in progress and decided or past applications.

Application group filter

Application group filter


Includes application types of:

  • material change of use
  • operational works
  • plans of subdivision
  • master planned communities
  • environmentally relevant activities
  • reconfiguring a lot, and
  • superseded planning scheme requests.

For an explanation on what each of these terms mean, refer to the application type filter section.


Includes application types assessed by council and those assessed by private building certifiers that are required to then lodge documentation to council. These include:

  • building private certification
  • concurrency agency referral, and
  • development permit for building works.

For an explanation on what each of these terms mean, refer to the Application Type filter section.


Includes plumbing and drainage works applications.

Use filter

Use filter

Use filter options are determined by the type of application group selected e.g. development or building. This filter is not yet available for plumbing application groups.

The filter has two levels - a higher level in dark blue, and in many cases, sub categories are provided for the higher levels underneath in lighter blue.

Development applications are divided broadly by the activity groups listed in the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014, refer to planning scheme schedule 1 definitions - SC1.1 and SC1.2. The sub categories available is not exhaustive in that it does not try to cover all definitions in the planning scheme, but rather, provides selected categories that are common interest to the community. If you would like to see other categories please contact council's development services to provide feedback. When using this filter, note that not every development application received by council is classified by use which may limit your results.

Building uses are divided by the Building Code of Australia (BC) classes of buildings. When using this filter, note that not every building application received by council is classified by class which may limit your results.

Date range filter

Date range filter

The date range filter provides the ability to refine results based on a period of time. The period of time can be based on the submitted date or decided date of an application.

Application type filter

Application type filter

Approving plans of subdivision

Applications of this nature include the prefix POS and PEP.

Refers to council's final approval of a plan of subdivision. It is also informally known as a "plan of survey" or the "plan sealing" process.

For example: an application for a reconfiguration to create a hundred lot residential estate is approved by council. Subsequent applications for operational works applications related to the reconfiguration are also approved by council. The developer constructs the estate and when it is finished submits the plan of subdivision to council for approval. Council checks that all the reconfiguration and operational works conditions have been met and then approves the plan. The plan is then submitted to the Titles Office for registration. When the plan is registered in the Titles Office, the lots are officially created.

Operational works

Applications of this nature include the prefix OPW.

Development applications for OPW require assessment under council's planning scheme and/or State legislation. An OPW includes a wide variety of works, such as:

  • excavation
  • clearing vegetation
  • tidal works on a site, and
  • often are works related to approved material change of use and reconfiguring a lot applications.

Reconfiguring a lot

Applications of this nature include the prefix RAL and REC.

Development applications for RAL require assessment under council's planning scheme. A RAL is the process for the creation of new lots by subdividing or rearranging the boundaries of existing lots. A reconfiguration also involves creating access easements.

Material change of use

Applications of this nature include the prefix MCU.

Development applications for MCU require assessment under council's planning scheme. In general terms, an MCU is the start of a new use, or an increase in the intensity or scale of an existing use on a site.

Master planned community

Applications of this nature include the prefix MPC.

The development and use of land within certain areas of the Sunshine Coast is controlled by a master plan process. This application type refers to applications under the control of Development Control Plan 1 (DCP). Under this process, council must approve a series of master plans when developing individual sites or precincts. For further information on this process, refer to council's Kawana master plans.

The application type does not include applications lodged under the provisions of the Economic Development Act 2012 with respect to the Caloundra South priority development area (Aura) and Maroochydore city centre priority development area. Refer to the webpages for an overview of the approval process for these areas and how to get further information.

Environmentally relevant activity

Applications of this nature include the prefix ERA.

ERA that are prescribed activities are generally industrial or intensive animal industries with the potential to release emissions, which impact on the environment and surrounding land uses. State government agencies regulate a majority of these cases; however, local government regulates some matters that are devolved to them. Only items assessed by Sunshine Coast Council are included in this group.

Miscellaneous development applications

Applications of this nature include the prefix VSDA and EPD.

Refer to a collection of older application classifications previously used by council that are now archived. Applications to change these will be suffixed by a decimal place i.e. .01 at the end of their application reference number. Refer to change applications for more information.

Superseded planning scheme

Applications of this nature include the prefix SPS.

SPS applications are requests to council to assess a development proposal under a superseded planning scheme i.e. previous version.

Private building certification

Applications of this nature include the prefix BLD and PC.

This application type represents statutory documentation submitted by private building certifiers to local government, Stages include lodgement of the notice of engagement (NOE), approval and inspection documentation.

It is worth noting that in some cases applications do not progress further than the NOE i.e. a building approval is not issued, therefore these applications remain at NOE stage and appear under the "In Progress" application query.

As such, when searching under the "In Progress" option for this application type, the results will return applications that may not progress further and will remain on council's system unless any further documentation is submitted by the private certifier.

Building works

Applications of this nature include the prefix BLDG and BA.

Refer to applications for building work assessed by the former Caloundra City Council and Maroochy Shire Council. Please note that council's former building certification business, Country and Coastal Certifiers, closed in 2010.

Concurrency agency referral

Applications of this nature include the prefix CAR, RAB, RAP, SBR, RAPL and BDD.

These include building applications for houses and outbuildings referred to council for assessment against matters such as design and siting. This also includes structures that do not comply with the planning scheme, but are exempt from needing a planning application. Refer to Schedule 6, Part 2, Section 2(2) of the Planning Regulation 2017.

Development permit for building works

Applications of this nature include the prefix PBA and DBW.

Refers to building works not associated with an MCU but significant enough to trigger a development application under the provisions of the planning scheme.

Plumbing and drainage works

Applications of this nature include the prefix PL.

Includes applications for plumbing and drainage work.

Assessment level filter

Assessment level filter

Note: this filter is most notable on the development application type.


Code assessable applications are assessed against the relevant assessment benchmarks set out in council's planning scheme. Where the application meets criteria, it will be approved. If it does not meet some criteria, that part of the application can be refused or approved with conditions. This type of application does not require public notification.


Impact assessable applications must be assessed against council's planning scheme as a whole, to the extent relevant. These applications must be publicly notified to take into account the community's views and provides third party appeal rights to any submitters.


For the purpose of Development.i the "Other" category is used to capture any application that has been received that did not trigger code or impact assessment under the planning scheme.

Note: this filter includes minor changes of code and impact applications.

Other terms used in system

Other terms used in system

Change applications

Refers to an application to council to consider changes to the original approval, including changes to conditions and/or changes to approved plans. As well as being described as change applications in their description, these applications can be recognised by having a suffix decimal of .01, .02 etc. at the end of their application reference numbers.

Generally in accordance

Refers to a request to council to allow building or development work or an amendment to or addition to an approval package without the need to apply for a change to the application given its general consistency and minor nature. Like change applications, these applications can be recognised by having a suffix of .01, .02 etc. at the end of their application reference numbers.

Extension to relevant period/extension application

An application to apply for an extension to the currency period for a development approval in accordance with Section 86 of the Planning Act 2016.

For further information, you can refer to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 frequently asked questions.