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Under sections 63(3)(b) and 67(2) of the Economic Development Act 2012, the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) gives notice that the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area (PDA) Development Scheme has been amended.

The amendment took effect on 15 March 2024.

Sunshine Coast Council, SunCentral Maroochydore and Walker Corporation development agreement

In November 2020. Sunshine Coast Council, SunCentral Maroochydore Pty Ltd and one of Australia’s leading and largest private property groups, Walker Corporation, entered into a development agreement that will drive the Maroochydore city centre project forward.

The agreement will see up to $2.5 billion of private sector investment flow into the project.

Walker Corporation is a highly experienced, Australian-owned commercial developer and building owner, with extensive expertise in urban regeneration and the development of quality commercial, retail and residential precincts.

The Maroochydore city centre will be instrumental in building and strengthening the region, providing a mix of residential, commercial, retail, civic and community uses in order to develop a thriving and vibrant business district and city centre, complementing and enhancing Maroochydore’s existing business offering.

Under the development agreement, Walker Corporation has exclusive rights to market and develop most of the remaining land consistent with the delivery of the city centre vision. As the project is delivered, council will receive civic assets such as parks, walkways and The Corso, which relieves council of the obligation to fund and deliver this infrastructure.

Walker Corporation’s investment in the 53-hectare Priority Development Area has commenced, with the project expected to create more than 15,000 jobs over the life of the project. Visit the Walker Corporation project website.

More information can be viewed in the Sunshine Coast Council, SunCentral Maroochydore and Walker Corporation development agreement fact sheet (PDF, 331.7KB).

About the Maroochydore city centre PDA

Maroochydore has been fast tracked to become the business, community and employment hub of the Sunshine Coast. In July 2013, the Queensland Government announced that the Maroochydore city centre would be a PDA. This declaration was at the request of council. The declaration of Maroochydore as a PDA will:

  • support economic development
  • provide much needed infrastructure
  • create a new central business district for the Sunshine Coast.

The PDA is approximately 60 hectares, covering council owned land including the site of the former Horton Park Golf Club and land in Dalton Drive, Maroochydore.

View the Maroochydore city centre PDA regulatory map (PDF, 418KB).

Maroochydore city centre PDA development scheme

The Maroochydore city centre PDA development scheme was approved by the Queensland Government on 11 July 2014 and subsequently amended in April 2016 and August 2019.

The development scheme is the planning document that assists in planning, carrying out, promoting, coordinating and controlling the development of land in the Maroochydore city centre PDA. All development applications within the PDA are assessed against the development scheme.

Development applications within the Maroochydore city centre PDA are assessed against the Maroochydore city centre PDA amended development scheme (PDF, 7.2MB). 

For enquiries about the PDA or development scheme, please contact the project coordinator via council's customer service centre or email [email protected].

Development scheme amendment no. 1

In order to improve the operation of the Maroochydore city centre development scheme, an amendment to the scheme was undertaken. The amendment was made in accordance with the requirements of the Economic Development Act 2012 and became effective on 22 April 2016.

Development scheme amendment no. 2

In order to assist council in meeting the urban infill targets set for the Sunshine Coast region under the South East Queensland Regional Plan and to respond other matters related to development in the Maroochydore city centre PDA, a further amendment to the development scheme was undertaken. The amendment was made in accordance with the requirements of the Economic Development Act 2012 and became effective on 9 August 2019.

Development scheme amendment no. 3

In order to give effect to a revised master plan for the land south of the Corso, an amendment to the Maroochydore city centre development scheme was undertaken. The three key elements of the revised master plan that informed the amendment involved:

  • consolidation of the waterway and parkland areas into a centralised lake and parkland in the heart of the city centre
  • moving the proposed Exhibition and Convention Centre to be closer to the transit centre
  • moving the amphitheatre to the northern end of the central park.

It is also to address other operational matters in relation to the above amendments and to improve the clarity and efficiency of the development scheme.

The Maroochydore City Centre PDA Development Scheme amendment (no.3) was subject to public consultation from 11 September 2023 to 23 October 2023 (inclusive). For more information please refer to Have Your say page.

View the public notification Submissions Report (PDF, 378KB).

The amendment was made in accordance with the requirements of the Economic Development Act 2012 and became effective on 15 March 2024.

More information

What is a priority development area (PDA)?

What is a priority development area (PDA)?

PDAs are parcels of land within Queensland, identified for specific accelerated development with a focus on economic growth. The Queensland Government works with local councils to streamline the planning, approval and development processes to achieve results.

Development schemes

Development schemes

Each PDA is subject to a development scheme - a regulatory document that controls land use, infrastructure planning and development in the area.

Economic Development Queensland

Economic Development Queensland

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) is the state government's streamlined business unit and supports economic development by resolving complex property issues and fast tracking opportunities for land development across the state.

EDQ is the authority responsible for assessing all development applications located within the Maroochydore City Centre PDA.  All development applications are published on the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, and Planning (DSDMIP) website – narrow the search by selecting ‘Maroochydore City Centre' in the drop down box and select ‘Decided Applications’ or ‘Current Applications’.

For specific development assessment enquiries contact EDQ on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or see priority development area applications.

Smart city initiatives

Smart city initiatives

Sunshine Coast international broadband network project

Queensland’s first direct international data and telecommunications connection to global markets is now in service.

Now that the network is operational, the Sunshine Coast provides the fastest international connection point from Queensland and east Australia to Asia, a significant step-change in the Sunshine Coast's attractiveness as an investment location.

To find out more, visit the Sunshine Coast International Broadband Network project page.

Automated waste collection system

The Maroochydore city centre will be the first development in Australia to incorporate a CBD-scale underground automated waste collection system.

The automated waste collection system project page provides further information.

Smart city technology

A high-speed, high-quality fibre optic network will be built into the new Maroochydore city centre’s underground infrastructure.

The network will allow free smart city Wi-Fi throughout the city centre’s ‘public realm’ – streets, parks and plazas.

Smart signage will provide live travel information to pedestrians throughout the central business district.

Smartphone apps will allow drivers to find the nearest car parking space quickly.

Energy-saving LED lights will be installed throughout the central business district.

Clean energy

The electricity consumption of the CBD’s council-owned infrastructure – including street lights and community facilities – will be completely offset by green energy produced by the Sunshine Coast solar farm. Find out more about the solar farm.

Walkability and public transport

Pedestrians, cyclists and public transport will have priority over private vehicles in the new Maroochydore city centre.

Walkways are designed to be universally accessible and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities, while cycling is encouraged via shared paths and roads with slow- speed traffic environments.

Frequent and reliable buses will deliver residents, workers and visitors to and from the city centre, and there are plans for the future provision of mass transit options into the city heart.

Key facilities will be located near public transport stops, where visibility and safety will be maximised. Access to other popular destinations surrounding the central business district has been considered, and seamless integration will be pursued.

Public Transport

Council is planning for the future so the lifestyle and environment we all enjoy can be maintained as we grow.

Around 200,000 more people will move to the Sunshine Coast in the next 20 years. To maintain our lifestyle and amenity, we will need more sustainable transport options. This will enable us to efficiently connect people to jobs, recreation, tourism, services and education.

Find out more about the Sunshine Coast public transport project.

Infrastructure agreements

Infrastructure agreements

Council has an infrastructure agreement with the Minister for Economic Development Queensland and the State of Queensland (represented by the department of Transport and Main Roads) and an infrastructure agreement with the Minister for Economic Development Queensland and Unitywater for the council owned land within the Maroochydore city centre PDA.

Maroochydore City Centre Infrastructure Agreement 2017 (PDF, 100.4MB) 

Maroochydore city centre water infrastructure agreement (PDF, 6.4MB) 
