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Over 90% of the Kawana Waters area has been progressively developed since a development lease was first granted in the 1960s. This is administrated by the Department of Resources.

The current master planning arrangements for Kawana Waters were introduced in 1996. Suburbs in the Kawana Waters area developed before 1996 are covered by the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. This includes Buddina, Warana, Wurtulla and established parts of Bokarina.

The Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 identifies specific areas of Kawana Waters as part development control plan 1 - Kawana Waters (DCP-1). This includes:

  • Parrearra (Kawana Island)
  • Birtinya
  • Bokarina Beach
  • Meridan Plans (Kawana Forrest), and
  • Currimundi (Creekside).

Map of land within development control plan 1 (PDF, 1.3MB)

Under the provisions of (DCP-1), development of land within the area must follow the master planned community development process. Council must approve a series of master plans before individual sites or precincts can be developed.

The Kawana master plans are hierarchical and provide varying levels of guidance for land developers and council in the assessment of individual developments. All development must comply with DCP-1, the structure plan and any relevant master plans.

You can find out more about the Kawana Waters master planned development area in this fact sheet (DOCX, 2.1MB).

For more information please contact council's development services.

Kawana Waters master planning process

Kawana Waters master planning process

The Development Control Plan 1 - Kawana Waters (DCP-1) is part of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.

Development of land within the development control plan area must follow a specific development process which is defined by a master plan. Each master plan is approved by council and State Government before individual sites or precincts can be developed.

Planning document hierarchy

Planning scheme:

Master Plans:

View the Kawana Master plans and maps in full.

Infrastructure agreements

Infrastructure agreements

A number of infrastructure agreements apply to the development of Kawana Waters, these include:

Kawana Waters development agreement

The Kawana Waters development agreement is a tripartite infrastructure agreement between the master developer, council and the State Government. This agreement sets out the key infrastructure obligations which the master developer is required to deliver and the timing for when they are required.

Health precinct car parking infrastructure agreement

The health precinct car parking infrastructure agreement 2014 (PDF, 2.5MB) is an infrastructure agreement between the master developer and council with respect to car parking in the Birtinya Health Hub.

Regional hospital infrastructure agreement

Community development strategy

Community development strategy

The community development strategy (PDF, 3.2MB) sets out the community facilities required to accommodate the needs of the DCP-1 area and provides a framework for the timing of development of these facilities, which include:

  • community meeting spaces
  • neighbourhood centre
  • cultural, library and learning centre
  • child care centres
  • surf lifesaving club
  • SES facility
  • public access domain (mall)
  • open space network.

Lake management

Lake management

There are two lake systems within the DCP-1 area:

Lake management plans primarily establish:

  • quay lines
  • permitted and prohibited activities and uses
  • details relating private pontoons and platforms for lake front properties
  • the process to obtain the necessary approvals required before construction of a private pontoon or platform.
