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All building and plumbing work is assessed and regulated under state legislation. You can view the legislation on the Queensland government website.

A licensed plumbing or drainer must complete all regulated plumbing and drainage work. This includes permit, notifiable or minor works. Check your plumber or drainer's license at Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) website.

When do I need approval?

Plumbing and drainage work consists of permit work, notifiable work and minor work. 

Refer to the QBCC webpage:

Notifiable work

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Notifiable work is plumbing and drainage work which a plumber or drainer can perform without a council permit or mandatory inspections. Use QBCC's interactive tool to establish if your work is notifiable work.

Permit work is more complex in nature than other types of plumbing and drainage work. This work must always be checked. You must have council approval for permit work.

Minor work must be performed by a QBCC licensee but doesn’t need to be approved by council or reported to QBCC.

Lodging a plumbing application

Plumbing permit applications are divided into two streams, FastTrack and standard. If you are using a private building certifier, you should check if they are lodging an application on your behalf.

Council offers several ways to lodge plumbing applications or documents:

  • online through MyCouncil (you will need to register to use this service)
  • by email (see details below)
  • in person or by post.

Applicants must follow council's requirements. This will ensure the most efficient processing of their application.

Lodging plumbing applications online

Lodging plumbing applications online

MyCouncil is council's online portal that can be used for many personal and business services. Some of the benefits of lodging plumbing applications through this service are:

  • your application is immediately created in council's property system, saving administrative processing time
  • MyCouncil accepts up to 50mb per file. No need to split documents across many emails due to size limitations
  • payment is processed via a secure payment gateway. You are not required to provide credit card details in writing.

Before you can lodge applications through this service, you will need to register for personal and business (where applicable) access. Refer to our frequently asked questions for more information on how to:

Should you need to provide further documentation after you have lodged your application, you can provide this:

  • by email
  • in person, or
  • by post.

More information

For more information or help setting up your MyCouncil registration, refer to the following:

Lodging plumbing and building applications by email

Lodging plumbing and building applications by email

To lodge applications and correspondence by email, refer to the following guidelines:

  • one application per email
  • send emails to council's email mailbox
  • provide all documentation in by following the electronic file requirements outlined above
  • include the below details in the subject line:

At lodgement:

  • Application type, address, number of emails
  • Example: Plumbing and Drainage Commercial (Shop Fitout), 10 First Avenue Maroochydore, Email 1 of 2.

Post lodgement:

  • Application reference, application stage, number of emails
  • Example: PL17/0000, Response for Information Request, Email 1 of 1.

What documents do I need to make a plumbing application?

What documents do I need to make a plumbing application?

Forms for plumbing permit applications are controlled by QLD State Government.

For information regarding plumbing permit applications for plumbing and drainage work refer to the QLD State Government website:

Permit applications for plumbing and drainage work.

This website provides you with all relevant information including:

  • Required supporting documents
  • Amending or extending a plumbing or drainage permit
  • Timeframes for plumbing and drainage permit applications
  • Types of plumbing and drainage works

For applicable plumbing permit application fees and charges, please refer to council’s Development Services Fees and Charges Register pages 36-39.

More information

Fees and payment for plumbing applications

Fees and payment for plumbing applications

Council requires payment of all applicable fees at the time of lodging an application.

Help lodging your application online

For plumbing applications, fees are based on the number of fixtures i.e. apparatus, appliances, and devices; related to the plumbing and drainage works. Refer to the list of fixtures, fittings, appliances and apparatus as a guide for fee calculation.

A list of council's fees for plumbing applications is available in the register of fees and charges.

Drainage and hydraulic plans

Before your application can be considered for approval, you need to submit plans to council for plumbing approval. Your as-constructed plans must meet minimum requirements, as per Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019 - schedule 6.

Get a copy of Council’s sample plumbing plans and as-constructed templates


During construction, your plumbing contractor will arrange for inspection of the work by council. In most situations, your plumber will need to complete a Form 7 for the inspection to take place. They might also need a plan of the installed plumbing and drainage.

Find out what you need to prepare before booking a plumbing inspection.

Booking an inspection 

Registered users can lodge documents and book inspections online.

Alternatively contact council's development services to make or change a booking by phone between 8.30am and 3.30pm.


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