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If you are an authority for a business, company, trust or superfund, charity, non-profit organisation or a Government agency, you can sign up for MyCouncil business access. Refer to the business access fact sheet (DOCX, 1.8MB) for more information.

1. How do I get access to my business information?

1. How do I get access to my business information?

Sign up with MyCouncil as a registered user. Once registered, you can link to your business:

  • Select Add a business dashboard, which is located on the Business tile
  • Enter your registered business name in full
  • Click Submit
  • Once the dashboard is added, select My Account from the Quick Links menu
  • Select Businesses
  • Click Verify Business
  • Select and enter a valid reference number from a previously submitted payment, application or customer request in the Reference number field
  • Enter your ABN(ACN accepted)
  • Click Verify.

Provided you have used an existing number, you will gain access to your business information.

If you are unable to verify, you can Report a Data Issue and one of council's officers will be in contact to assist.

Extra verification is needed to view and access other services, including:

2. What if I can't see everything after I verify?

2. What if I can't see everything after I verify?

It is possible during your interactions with council over time, you may have several name records in our system. If you have details for what is missing; like a reference number, you can try further verifying using these details.

If you are unable to further verify, you can Report a Data Issue and one of council's officers will be in contact to assist to amalgamate your records.

3. How do I add or remove an authorised person for my business?

3. How do I add or remove an authorised person for my business?

An authorised person will need to sign up with MyCouncil as an individual. Once registered, they can link to your business. They can follow the steps outlined in how do I get access to my business information.

To remove an authorised person:

  • Select My Account from the Quick Links menu
  • Select Businesses
  • A list of current authorised people and their email address will display
  • Locate the person to remove in the list
  • Click X next to the person’s name to Revoke user access
  • Select Yes to confirm you want to remove the person’s access.

When this person logs in next, the business dashboard will no longer appear. They can continue to use their account as an individual or behalf of other businesses.

4. How many people can act on behalf of my business?

4. How many people can act on behalf of my business?

As many as you like. There is no limit to the number of authorised people for your business.

5. Can I have multiple business dashboards?

5. Can I have multiple business dashboards?

Yes, you can add and verify more business dashboards. Follow the steps outlined in Question 1. 'How do I get access to my business information?'

6. Can I have a business and personal dashboard?

6. Can I have a business and personal dashboard?

Yes. If you are employed by or own a business, you can still access your personal dashboard using the one login. This won’t affect using your business dashboard.

Alternatively, you can set up a separate account with different emails. One for your personal needs and one for your professional needs.

Refer to the sign up FAQs for more information on how to verify your personal dashboard.

7. I used to have an account, but it can’t be found anymore, what do I need to do?

7. I used to have an account, but it can’t be found anymore, what do I need to do?

If you signed up to MyCouncil before 5 June 2017 and haven't logged in since, you need to register and verify again. You can use the same email and password.

8. How do I remove my business dashboard?

8. How do I remove my business dashboard?
  • Select My Account from the Quick Links menu
  • Select Remove dashboard
  • Click Yes under the confirmation message.