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Some development applications need extra assessment by other agencies during the assessment process.  A concurrence agency is a type of referral agency for some applications.   

For example, a private building certifier can apply to Council on behalf of a customer for a concurrence agency response. Council (as the referral agency) can direct an assessment manager (private certifier) to:  

  • refuse an application, or  
  • carry forward certain conditions on a development approval. 

Please find information below about how to lodge a concurrence agency response application online and what the application should include. 

1. What should your concurrence agency response application include?

1. What should your concurrence agency response application include?

Applications should include:  

  • a Request for concurrence agency response building work form.  
  • Confirmation Notice (where lodged by a certifier) for the building application,   
  • relevant information and completion of all relevant and mandatory forms, 
  • how the proposed building work meets all relevant assessment benchmarks, 
  • a copy of the building application material;  
    • application form,   
    • checklist,   
    • building plans and,  
    • any engineering reports.  

Plans must be to scale and legible. The application must include the correct form and provide payment details. 

An Action Notice may be issued when an application does not include sufficient details. Council requires all the information to determine the relevant matters for assessment. 

2. How do I get access to lodge a concurrence agency response application?

2. How do I get access to lodge a concurrence agency response application?

You will need to register your business with MyCouncil to use this service. 

For existing customers:

  • Select + Add existing applications to your list which is located on the Applications tile
  • Enter a valid application number you have previously submitted in the Reference number field
  • Enter your Date of Birth
  • Click Verify.

Provided you have used an existing number you will gain access to the concurrence agency response applications, this can be confirmed by selecting + Submit a new application which is located on the Applications tile.

For new customers:

  • Select + Submit a new application which is located on the Applications tile
  • Read, then tick to agree to the terms and conditions and select Continue
  • Select Click here (located at the top banner) to request access to lodge your concurrence agency response application
  • Enter any further information about your required access into the eRequest and select Submit.

Note: Only verified users can lodge concurrence agency response applications. Applications attached to customer eRequests will not be accepted.

3. How do I lodge a concurrence agency response application online?

3. How do I lodge a concurrence agency response application online?

To lodge a development application online:

  • Select + Submit a new application which is located on the Applications tile
  • Read, then tick to agree to the terms and conditions and select Continue
  • Select the type of application under the Concurrence Agency Response Application heading
  • Follow the application loading screens.

Refer to lodging a development application for further information.

4. Can I lodge a concurrence agency response application without payment?

4. Can I lodge a concurrence agency response application without payment?

No concurrence agency response application will be created in the Council's system until the fee has been paid.

5. How do I cancel a concurrence agency response application?

5. How do I cancel a concurrence agency response application?

That will depend what stage you are at.

  • On the application form, click Cancel Application at the top left section of the screen
  • In the payment cart (prior to payment), click the red X against the application
  • If you have lodged and paid for an application by mistake, please contact council's development services.

6. How do I find a concurrence agency response application that has been lodged?

6. How do I find a concurrence agency response application that has been lodged?

In MyCouncil Services under the Applications & Searches menu, click View Applications.

A list of your applications (or those lodged on your behalf) will display. Basic information about the application displays.

7. Can anyone view an application that has been lodged?

7. Can anyone view an application that has been lodged?

All concurrence agency response applications lodged with Council can be viewed on Development.i.

Note: Associated documents remain private and are not able to be viewed.

8. How do I know if a CAR application is required?

8. How do I know if a CAR application is required?

A Concurrence agency response (CAR) is necessary where the proposed works do not comply with the relevant benchmarks. The benchmarks are better known as either planning scheme requirements/codes and the Queensland Development Code requirements.  

The type of building works that may need referral to Council include:  

  • dwellings and structures, like sheds and carports, and,   
  • buildings over or near stormwater easements and tidal work.  

Please contact Council if you require any further information or help submitting your application. 

Please contact Council if you require any further information or help submitting your application.