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Using MyCouncil Services, you're able to register your animal online, update the animal details and request a replacement tag all from the one service.

1. How do I get access to register my dog and/or cat?

1. How do I get access to register my dog and/or cat?

Only verified registered users can create a new animal registration. Follow the steps outlined in the sign up with MyCouncil frequently asked questions to gain access.

Note: Registrations attached to customer eRequests will not be accepted.

2. How do I register my dog and/or cat online?

2. How do I register my dog and/or cat online?

Note: Animals can only be registered to one owner. You can authorise another person to act on your behalf for certain things, refer to question 7 below for more information.

To register your animal/s online:

  • Select + Register your new cat or dog now, which is located on the Animals tile
  • Read, then tick to agree to the declaration
  • If you have a pension card, tick and provide your card number
  • Tick to confirm you are over 18 years old
  • Enter and select the property address where the animal/s will reside
  • Confirm the delivery address for registration tag/s to be sent
  • Enter animal's details and provide documentation where applicable
  • If you only have one animal registration, click Save and Continue. If you are needing to register more animals, click Save and Add Another Animal.

Refer to how to register an animal online (PDF, 380KB) fact sheet for further information.

3. What do I need to register my dog and/or cat online?

3. What do I need to register my dog and/or cat online?

Depending on your animal/s, you may need some or all these details:

  • desexing certificate, a copy will need to be uploaded
  • microchip details
  • current registration details from another council, if applicable
  • supporting documents for canine control council, racing greyhound or assistance dog.

4. Can I register my dog and/or cat without payment?

4. Can I register my dog and/or cat without payment?

No, the animal/s will be considered unregistered and the registration will be unprocessed in council's system until the fee has been paid.

5. Can I register my dog and/or cat to a business?

5. Can I register my dog and/or cat to a business?

No, an animal must be registered to a person.

The Animals tile is only available in a personal dashboard and cannot be added to a business dashboard.

6. How do I view my dog and/or cat's details?

6. How do I view my dog and/or cat's details?

For a registered owner:

  • Select + Add a registered animal to your dashboard, which is located on the Animals tile
  • Enter either a valid animal tag number or animal registration number you have previously been provided in the Reference number field
  • Enter your Date of Birth
  • Click Verify.

Provided you have used an existing reference number, you will gain access to your animal/s record. Your animal/s will be listed within the Animals tile.

If you are unable to verify, you can Report a Data Issue and one of council's officers will be in contact to assist.

7. How do I add or remove an authorised person for my dog and/or cat?

7. How do I add or remove an authorised person for my dog and/or cat?

A registered owner can add an authorised person to act on your behalf. This service is not available currently in MyCouncil.

Request must be made in writing or by completing the animal authorised person application form. An authorised person must be 18 years old or over.

An authorised person will be able to update over the phone, in person or via email:

  • desexing details
  • microchip details, and
  • request a replacement tag, and
  • collect animal/s from the pound.

Advice to remove, can be provided by the registered owner and/or authorised person over the phone, in person or via email.

8. How do I update my dog and/or cat's details online?

8. How do I update my dog and/or cat's details online?

After initially registering your animal/s, you can provide details for:

  • desexing
  • microchipping
  • pension card
  • class of animal
  • lifetime cat registration
  • animal status i.e. if the animal moves out of the shire or passes away.

To update:

  • Select Update/view details for your animals, which is located on the Animals tile
  • Select Edit Animal Details
  • Update details as required
  • Select Update Animal to save.

Refer to how to update an animal online fact sheet (PDF, 268KB) for further information.

For any other details that may need updating, you can Report a Data Issue and one of council's officers will be in contact to assist.

9. How do I get a new tag for my dog and/or cat?

9. How do I get a new tag for my dog and/or cat?

If the current tag is lost or damaged:

  • Select Request a replacement tag for your animal, which is located on the Animals tile
  • Select Request Replacement Tag
  • Confirm delivery address is the same or if there is a change of address
  • Select Create Tag Request to continue
  • Click OK once a reference has been provided for the request.

Refer to how to update an animal online fact sheet (PDF, 268KB) for further information.

10. How do I cancel a registration?

10. How do I cancel a registration?

This will depend what stage you are at.

  • In the animal registration form, you can either click:
    • Clear Form at the top left section of the form to start start over, or
    • Cancel at the bottom of the form
  • If you haven't clicked Register Animals or made payment, click Delete against the applicable registration
  • If you have registered, and:
    • paid for animal by mistake, you can Report a Data Issue and one of council's officers will be in contact to assist
    • now need to cancel due to changes to the animal status, you use the Update/view details for your animals to edit your animal/s record.