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1. How do I get access to lodge a search application?

1. How do I get access to lodge a search application?

Sign up with MyCouncil as a registered user.

2. How do I lodge a search application online?

2. How do I lodge a search application online?

To lodge an application online:

  • Select + Submit a new application, search or certificate which is located on the Applications, searches and certificates tile
  • Read, then tick to agree to the terms and conditions, and select Continue
  • Select the type of application under the Certificates and Searches for Property Information heading i.e. Rates and Valuation
  • Tick the applicable Categories for the searches you want to apply for
  • Click Next
  • Follow the application loading screens.

Refer to certificates and search for property information for further details about the categories available under each type of search application.

3. Can I select more than one search application type online?

3. Can I select more than one search application type online?

No. You will need to lodge a separate search application for each of the types needed i.e. Rates and Valuation + Flooding = 2 applications.

You can pay for more than one search application at the same time through your Payment Cart.

4. Can I lodge a search application without payment?

4. Can I lodge a search application without payment?

No search application will be created in council's system until the fee has been paid.

Payment is needed at time of lodgement via MyCouncil, post or in person. Payment via credit card is not available to be made over phone.

5. How long will my search application take?

5. How long will my search application take?

There are different timeframes depending on the types of searches requested:

  • building, plumbing and development: between 5 - 30 days
  • business licencing and health: 10 days unless fast tracked, then it will be 5 days
  • flooding: between 10 - 20 days
  • rates and valuation: 5 days.

Refer to the downloadable forms on certificates and search for property information for further details about timeframes on each type of search application.

6. How do I amend a search application?

6. How do I amend a search application?

Please contact council if you have submitted a search, and wish to amend the application. Further costs may apply.

7. How do I cancel a search application?

7. How do I cancel a search application?

Please contact council if you have submitted a search, and wish to cancel the application.

8. How do I find a property search application that has been lodged?

8. How do I find a property search application that has been lodged?

In MyCouncil Services under the Applications & Searches menu, click View Applications.

A list of your applications (or those lodged on your behalf) will display. Basic information about the application displays.

9. Can anyone view a search application that has been lodged?

9. Can anyone view a search application that has been lodged?

This information is not available for viewing online.

10. What search options are under each heading?

10. What search options are under each heading?
  1. Select from one of the five main categories
  2. Select all applicable searches from the options available in the list below each heading.

Building, plumbing and development:

  • building records search
  • request for building certificate of occupancy
  • property development notes
  • full planning and development certificate - built site
  • full planning and development certificate - vacant site
  • limited planning and development certificate
  • standard planning and development certificate
  • request plumbing inspection certificate
  • plumbing as constructed drainage plan
  • plumbing records search.

Building, plumbing and development file retrieval:

  • copy of building file
  • copy of development file
  • copy of plumbing file.

Business licencing and health:

  • health - property inspection declared pest plants
  • health - multiple licences on same premises
  • multiple licences on same premises FAST TRACK
  • health - records only
  • health - records only FAST TRACK
  • health - single licence
  • health - single licence FAST TRACK
  • invasive biosecurity matter search (per property).


  • advanced flood data provision
  • drainage deficiency area survey
  • primary flood data provision
  • flood information search - self assess dwelling
  • flood information search - all other.

Rates and valuation:

  • rates property enquiry
  • rate and valuation search.

Refer to the downloadable forms on certificates and search for property information for further details about each type of search application.