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1. How do I get access to my property information?

1. How do I get access to my property information?

Once you are signed in as a verified registered user, and the current property owner:

  • Select + Add a property to your dashboard, which is located on the Property and Rates tile
  • Enter a valid payment reference number from a previously issued rate notice in the Reference number field
  • Enter your Date of Birth
  • Click Verify
  • Update any other personal information; if applicable, and click Confirm.

Provided you have used an existing number, you will gain access to your property information. Your property will be listed within the Property and Rates tile.

If you are unable to verify, you can Report a Data Issue and one of council's officers will be in contact to assist.

2. How do I view my property information?

2. How do I view my property information?
  • Select View more property information, which is located on the Property and Rates tile
  • My Property will display with:
    • property details, which links to the current owners and valuation
    • rates balances and ability to pay rates
    • create/request a payment arrange or direct debit request
    • change rates delivery method
    • rates history and request past rate notices
    • waste services, including reporting damaged/missing bins and your collection schedule.

If you have recently purchased a property, it can take up to 8 weeks after settlement for council to receive the new ownership details. Please contact your solicitor to confirm the transfer documents were sent to Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME).

3. How do I update my property details online?

3. How do I update my property details online?

This service is not available currently in MyCouncil. For changes to your property details, you can complete the online support form.

4. How do I add or remove an authorised person for my property?

4. How do I add or remove an authorised person for my property?

A property owner can add or remove an authorised representative or restricted representative to act on your behalf. This service is not available currently in MyCouncil.

Request can be made in writing, over the phone or in person. An authorised person must be 18 years old or over.

An authorised representative will be able to update address details and get information without restrictions. Restricted representatives can view property information and order bin services only.

5. How do I get access to a property's information as a personal representative or trustee?

5. How do I get access to a property's information as a personal representative or trustee?

Once you are signed in as a verified registered user:

  • Select + Add a business dashboard, which is located on the Business tile
  • Enter your name in the following format for:
    • personal representatives:  Surname Pr First Name e.g. Citizen Pr John
    • personal trustees: Surname Tte First Name e.g. Citizen Tte John
  • Click Submit.

If you are unable to verify, you can Report a Data Issue and one of council's officers will be in contact to assist.

6. How do I request a direct debit for my rates?

6. How do I request a direct debit for my rates?
  • Select View more property information, located on the Property and Rates tile
  • Select the relevant property
  • Select Create Direct Debit Request
  • Complete all fields on the form, including bank details
  • Click Submit.

You can view your direct debit once set up with council. Select the Edit/View Direct Debit option.

Refer to the how to create and edit a direct debit online fact sheet (PDF, 478KB) for further information.

7. How do I request a payment arrangement for my rates?

7. How do I request a payment arrangement for my rates?
  • Select View more property information, located on the Property and Rates tile
  • Select the relevant property
  • Depending on a property's rates status, select from the available option of either Create a payment arrangement or Application for a rate debt payment plan
    • create option - outstanding rates balance with no arrears and within current rate period

Note: no interest accrues if you pay in line with the terms and conditions.

  • request option - outstanding rates balance in arrears

Note: interest continues to accrue even if an agreement is approved by council.

  • Complete all fields on the form and click Submit.

You can view your arrangement once accepted by council. Select the View Arrangement to Pay option.

Refer to the how to create an arrangement to pay rates online fact sheet (PDF, 1MB) for further information.

8. How do I get my rate notice delivered to my email address?

8. How do I get my rate notice delivered to my email address?
  • Select Update your rate notice delivery from the Property and Rates tile
  • Read the information disclaimer
  • Select eMail in the New Delivery Method column
  • Enter the relevant email address for your rate notice delivery
  • Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions
  • Click Submit.

You can set up a separate email for different properties, if you are the owner of more than one. If you use the same email for all properties you own, you will receive one email with a PDF file containing all the rate notices.

9. How do I view or request a copy of my rate notice/s?

9. How do I view or request a copy of my rate notice/s?

You can view your current rate notice and previous notices going back to July 2017:

  • Select My Documents from the Quick Links menu.

To request copies of older rate notices (pre-July 2017):

  • Select View more property information from the Property and Rates tile
  • Click Request Past Rates Notices
  • Click Submit.

10. Do I need my bank reference number to pay for my rates online?

10. Do I need my bank reference number to pay for my rates online?

If your property already shows on your dashboard, you don't need to enter your bank reference number:

  • Select Pay your rates, which is located on the Property and Rates tile
  • Either adjust the Amount to Pay or click Next to agree to the full outstanding balance
  • Tick the Take to Checkout checkbox in the Payment Cart
  • Click Proceed to finalise payment.

If you are not logged in and want to pay via the guest services, you will need your bank reference number to make payment.

11. How do I change my address?

11. How do I change my address?

You can change your address by completing the: