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Council adopted the Sunshine Coast integrated transport strategy at its Ordinary Meeting on Thursday 6 December 2018.


The integrated transport strategy outlines the policy direction for transport in the region and replaces the sustainable transport strategy. It responds to the challenges and opportunities facing our region and outlines our vision to address the Sunshine Coast’s transport needs.


The strategy focuses on achieving a connected, smart, integrated, safe and efficient transport system that services and supports a rapidly growing Sunshine Coast.

The strategy was developed with input from the community, key stakeholder feedback and expert analysis, as well as a review of trends and changes occurring across the transport sector.

It considers how we currently travel within the region and outlines the known transport network deficiencies which governments at all levels need to address.

Council is committed to work with the other tiers of government and the private sector to ensure there is a ‘one network’ approach to transport planning, delivery and management of an integrated transport system.

The Sunshine Coast integrated transport strategy intends to:

  • support economic development
  • respond to new growth areas and trends
  • balance the consideration of all modes of transport
  • respond to emerging technologies and business models such a ride sharing, car sharing, autonomous vehicles and big data
  • advocate and apply a one network approach
  • align with relevant strategic policy and planning documents
  • update data, analysis and projections and identify system performance indicators for tracking and decision-making
  • be an effective information and advocacy tool for council and the community
  • reduce adverse environmental impacts through a lower carbon transport system.

Community engagement

Community consultation and feedback has been an integral part of the development of the integrated transport strategy. An extensive stakeholder and community engagement process was undertaken to inform this strategy.

Market research was undertaken from November 2017 to January 2018, to help council better understand the community’s views and barriers relating to travel in the region.

Community consultation was also undertaken between 25 June and 20 July 2018. During this period, council asked the Sunshine Coast community for their feedback on the draft Integrated Transport Strategy to ensure we were on the right track.

Council received 157 submitted feedback forms and 18 detailed written submissions. The feedback was supportive of the strategy’s proposed direction, priorities and actions.

The strategy was amended in places to address constructive feedback or to provide clarification.

Where to from here

With around 200,000 more people expected to live on the Sunshine Coast by 2041, it is important we plan ahead to accommodate this population growth, while at the same time helping our community to move around more efficiently.

Increasing the options for travel and reducing our reliance on private cars are the key to achieve a sustainable transport network in the future.

The strategy outlined specific mode share targets to reduce car travel from 85% to 70% and increase active travel from 12% to 20% and passenger transport from 3% to 10% by 2041.

To work towards achieving these mode share targets, the future of transport on the Sunshine Coast will need to include:

  • timely investment in road and public transport infrastructure projects
  • partnership approach with stakeholders
  • high frequency public transport connections between key centres
  • local and feeder bus services
  • new smart mobility travel choice options, such as ride share and car share
  • a safe, connected and convenient active transport network
  • better management of the road network and parking supply
  • travel behaviour change initiatives.

Transport priorities map

Council adopted the transport priorities map (PDF, 973.9KB) at its ordinary meeting on 17 August 2017. This map is updated periodically.


ThinkChange is council’s branded travel behaviour change program and is a key action of the integrated transport strategy.

More information

If you would like more information, please contact council.