Changing your name or address
When a property in the region is sold, council receives details of new owners. The details include a postal address for notices

When a property is sold within the region, council receives details of new owners from Titles QLD. The details include a postal address for notices. If you want council to forward notices to another address, you must authorise the change by completing the online change of address form.
Companies wishing to add an authority on a property must complete the online change of address/add authority form or use the Rate account and waste services authority form (DOCX, 118KB).
Property authority
Property owners may use the Rate account and waste services authority form to advise that a third party may communicate with council on their behalf. This authority may include making enquiries and/or changes that impact the rates and charges for the property and/or change waste collection services.
Change of name
Ratepayers wishing to change their name or business name must complete a change of name notification form (DOCX, 128KB). You must state the reason for the name change on the form and provide supporting documents such as:
- marriage certificate
- Decree Nisi (divorce)
- letterhead with new company name
- or extract from Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC).
Name suppression in the Land Record
Please refer to the Department of Resources website to apply for a suppression direction to exclude a person’s name and postal address from the publicly available parts of the Valuation Roll and other documents kept under the Land Valuation Act 2010 (the Act), for the nominated land.
Queensland councils update their land records based on name suppression information provided by the Department of Resources.
The only reason for which the Valuer-General will suppress ownership details in the Valuation Roll is one of risk to a person’s safety or property, whether the person is the landowner or a person living at that address (Section 188 of the Act).
Once approved by the Department of Resources, the suppression within Council’s Land Record ensures that the Property Owners name and postal address are not available to the public.
Applications should be made to the Department of Resources using the Application for Suppression direction Form 63 available on the Department of Resources website at the link below.
Applications can be submitted in person or via email:
Address: Nambour Mill Village, Level 1, 9-13 Mill Street, Nambour QLD 4560
Email: [email protected]
Application for suppression direction Form 63 Land Valuation Act 2010 (
Property sales (new owners)
Council rate notices are issued in January and July. If you buy or sell your property just prior to either of these times, council may not have been notified of the sale before printing notices. So, if you receive a rate notice for a property you no longer own, please either forward the notice to the new owner or return it to council.
A penalty can apply if notification of a sale is not provided to Titles QLD or to council within 30 days of settlement.
Deceased property owner
A customer may contact council to advise of a deceased person. A notification of a deceased person application form (DOCX, 200KB) and a copy of the death certificate must be provided to advise that a property owner is deceased.
Until council receives advice from Titles QLD, the deceased person's name will not be removed.
To change the Title Deed, the customer should contact their Solicitor or Titles QLD.
If you would like more details or assistance contact council.