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Article by Leah Tearle, a/community nature conservation officer, Sunshine Coast Council

A recent call out to Alex Forest conservation area for a large, fallen tree branch over a walking track turned into a rescue mission for council’s conservation arborist officer.

Upon inspection the officer noticed 2 rainbow lorikeets hanging around the fallen branch and upon closer inspection, he discovered 2 baby lorikeets in the branch’s hollow.

The officer sprang into action and decided to give this little family a fighting chance. After retrieving a nest box he gently (much to a lot of squarking and biting) placed the lorikeets in their new home and climbed 15m up the tree and secured the box where the branch had broken off. Upon inspection the following day, mum and dad were seen close to the nest box.

As our big trees with ideal hollows and habitat get rarer and rarer, it must be noted how important nest boxes are for our native fauna now and for the future.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of nest boxes and how to build one of your own visit Hollow Log Homes website.