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Council’s latest environment levy land qcquisition program purchase is one of the largest remaining vegetated lots in the Buderim area, 62-124 Crosby Hill Rd, and home to 40 tall habitat trees along with a number of the Coast’s protected plant and animal species, including the largest owl in Australia, the powerful owl (Ninox strenua).

This $1.225m property will assist to protect and connect the nearby habitat of the rainforest sanctuary bushland reserve network and adds to council’s 2,860 hectares of conservation land across the region.

The vegetation communities found on this site are all classed as conservation priorities for the Sunshine Coast local government area. This is due to some of the communities being listed as 'of concern' and all of them being under-represented on the Sunshine Coast through current protection measures.

Some of the largest grey gum (Eucalyptus propinqua) and pink bloodwood (Corymbia intermedia) trees on the Sunshine Coast are found in this new reserve. These trees over many years of growth have developed networks of hollows, stags and spouts that provide essential habitat for a range of arboreal mammal’s, micro bats and birds, which are critical to the survival of these species. The majority of the reserve is rated as medium value koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) habitat area and is a significant corridor for koalas in this region.

Numerous important and vulnerable plant and wildlife species on this site have been identified through past flora and fauna surveys, and council officers are excited to undertake further assessments to build a database which will direct how to best preserve and manage this property for the future.

Some of the state and commonwealth listed species which have been identified thus far at new reserve include:

  • Richmond birdwing butterfly (Ornithoptera richmondia) - vulnerable
  • Richmond birdwing butterfly vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa) - near threatened
  • powerful owl (Ninox strenua) - vulnerable
  • slender milk-vine (Marsdenia coronata) - vulnerable
  • koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) - vulnerable
  • mallotus megadontus - vulnerable.