Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Tree planting and BushCare events

Gather your friends and family and attend a community planting or EcoVenture event.

BushCare Sunshine Coast hosts tree planting and bushcare events and activities throughout the year. Our events are free and provide a great way to:

  • spend time with your friends and family outdoors
  • explore council's environment reserves off the beaten track
  • make a positive impact on the environment around you
  • stay healthy and active in nature
  • attend where and when you can - no commitment
  • meet new people, your neighbours and your local community.

Upcoming events

Do you want to be the first to hear about our upcoming events? Register to be a BushCare Sunshine Coast volunteer or keep an eye on Sunshine Coast events website.

All events require you to register to ensure we bring enough equipment and catering for you.

BushCare event volunteering

National Tree Day 2019


Do you want a rewarding, hands-on experience in nature? Get involved in an EcoVenture day where conservation meets adventure.

EcoVenture combines conservation volunteering with an adventure activity. No experience is necessary. All you need is an interest in nature, a willingness to get involved, a desire to meet new people and have fun!