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Other invasive and pest-like animals

Find out more about other invasive and pest-like species found in our region.

There are some invasive animals found in our region that are not identified as priorities in our biosecurity plan. Read more about how our priority species were determined.

While these species are invasive and cause environmental, economic and social impacts, they are not recognised in the Biosecurity Act as restricted.

Unfortunately these species are so well-established and widespread in Queensland controlling them is extremely challenging.

  • Cane toad

    Cane toad

    Cane toads (Rhinella marina) prey upon and displace native species including frogs, reptiles and other small animals. Their skin contains a toxic venom that is harmful to native animals, pets and humans.

    For more information on cane toads download the fact sheet (PDF, 3702KB), or go to the Biosecurity QLD website. Or for information on humane and safe control of cane toads at your place download the RSPCA fact sheet (PDF, 289KB).

  • Feral pigeon

    Feral pigeon

    Feral pigeons or rock doves (Columba livia) are considered to pose risks to human health in urban environments. They also compete with native birds for resources and can spread disease and parasites.

    For more information on feral pigeons download the fact sheet (PDF, 184KB). For assistance with protecting against feral pigeons, please contact council or your local invasive bird management professional.

Mistaken pests

Some native animals can be mistaken for pests because of their ‘nuisance’ behaviours. For example, the Australian brush-turkey has been known to forage and build mounds in urban gardens, particularly those that replicate the brush-turkey's preferred rainforest habitat. Other species commonly mistaken for pests include the Australian white ibismagpie and noisey minor.

All native birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals (except dingoes) are protected by the Nature Conservation Act 1992. It is unlawful to take, kill, injure or trap protected wildlife unless authorised.

More information and advice about living with native wildlife can be found on the Department of Environment and Science website. For further assistance with a wildlife issue, please contact a wildlife management professional holding the permits required to deal with native species.