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Rabbits are one of Australia's major agricultural and environmental pests. They damage pasture and crops, cause soil erosion and compete with native animals for resources.

European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a restricted invasive animal under the Biosecurity Act.

In Queensland rabbits must not be kept, moved, fed, given away, sold or released into the environment without a permit.


  • usually grey-brown with a pale belly (may also be ginger, black or white)
  • short front legs and long hind legs
  • long ears

Further information and resources

Similar species

European hares (Lepus europaeus) are known to occur in our local government area. Hares are not prohibited or restricted under the Biosecurity Act. There is no need to report a sighting of a hare.

If you see a rabbit report it to council as soon as possible.