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Bats or flying-foxes play a critical role helping to keep our native forests healthy.

Top reasons why we need flying-foxes

Did you know some trees, like Australian eucalypts, only flower at night and depend on flying-foxes for survival to pollinate their flowers and spread their seeds?

Without flying-foxes, there would be no food and shelter for our koalas, no pristine habitat for our native birds, and no magnificent forests for all of us to enjoy.

So now, more than ever, we need to find ways to co-exist with this incredibly important native species.

Watch this YouTube video to find out why bats are so important.

For more information on the reasons why flying-foxes are so critical to our native environment, visit the websites for Little Aussie Battler and the Department of Environment and Science. Image Credit: GuideYourPet.

Flying fox conservation

Take a look at some of our inspirational volunteers, Terrie and Jeannie, looking after wounded and injured flying-foxes. Visit Little Aussie Battler for ways you can help this incredibly important species survive.

Never touch a sick or injured flying fox

Help injured bats by avoiding contact and calling trained and vaccinated wildlife rescue professionals on 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625).