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Our beaches, waterways, environmental reserves, parks and open spaces frame our urban areas. They embed the built environment of the Sunshine Coast within a network of green and blue natural landscapes. These landscapes establish natural corridors that connect the region, offering routes that encourage pedestrians and cyclists away from the road corridors. Use these natural routes as part of our daily commutes contributes to our health, keeps us active and reduces our reliance on cars.

Good Sunshine Coast design protects, improves and uses the environmental and green corridors. Green corridors offer pedestrians and cyclists safe travel routes and establish a network of accessible waterways, beaches and foreshores, reserves and parks. Natural connections are provided between neighbourhoods, and the biodiversity of the region is strengthened. Design that establishes a comprehensive, region-wide network of green corridors supports more equitable and sustainable transport options. Green corridors provide an environment that encourages exploration and activity, improves the amenity and attractiveness of our neighbourhood, and promotes greater awareness of the beauty and value of our natural landscapes.

Why this is important

Design that pushes our natural environment to the edge of urban areas can limit the potential for green corridors linking our region and reduce connectivity between places. This can cut  us off from nature and make it more difficult to reach the places we need to access to de-stress and relax without a car. As a consequence, our reliance on vehicles to get around can make us more sedentary.

Ideas for working with this principle

1. Use the existing open space network to develop the pedestrian and cycle system, offering pedestrians and cyclists journey choices that are safe, direct, comfortable and inspiring

2. Link open spaces, bushland, waterways and tree canopies to establish an integrated green network of open space

3. Increase opportunities for active and passive recreation within reserves by offering fitness trails, seating areas and viewing points in keeping with the natural setting and environmental values of the place

4. When designing developments and streets, regardless of size, consider adequate space for large shade trees and landscape to expand the green network and link our communities to the broader environment.