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Sunshine Coast design book

How to get a copy of the book.

Sunshine Coast design book

You can purchase a hardcover copy of the Sunshine Coast design book for $50 at selected bookshops and Sunshine Coast Council customer contact centres listed below or for $50 + postage via the Customer Contact Call Centre (07) 5475 7272:

Proceeds of the book are used to offset printing costs.

Download the Sunshine Coast design book for free

You can download the Sunshine Coast Design Book (PDF 72.44MB) or view the digital version online (Flipbook) free.

Borrow Sunshine Coast design from a library

You can borrow or take a look at the Sunshine Coast design book at the following libraries:


Hollindale Mainwaring Architecture was misspelled in the credits section of Sunshine Coast Design as Mainwaring Hollingworth Architects. The Sunshine Coast Design project team offer their sincere apologies to Hollindale Mainwaring Architecture for this error. The pdf version of the book, available online, has been corrected and the hard-copy version will be corrected for any future print run.