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BEYOND is a program of exchange, residency and presentation.

BEYOND connects and deepens regional partnerships and arts practice beyond borders and boundaries. It encourages a new arts ecology focused on mobility for organisations, regional artists, audiences and communities.

Through reciprocal programs of exchange, residency, and presentation between five regional partners BEYOND will:

  • grow safe creative spaces
  • grow long term relationships
  • increase mobility for regional artists and regional arts organisations on a national scale.

BEYOND is a PUNCTUM INC initiative in partnership with four regional organisations, funded by Australia Council and the Sunshine Coast Regional Arts Development Fund.

Currently BEYOND involves:

Courtney Scheu and Itamar Freed were selected through an EOI process and travelled to KCAT Victoria in October, 2021 to participate in our first residency exchange. Courtney and Itamer were in residence as part of the Triennale - aiming to develop context and experience of Kyneton with the view to develop new work for presentation in the next festival in 2024.

About Courtney and Itamar

Itamar Freed (America/Israel) and Courtney Scheu (Australia) are collaborative interdisciplinary artists who split their time between the Sunshine Coast, London, Tel Aviv and New York. The duo collaborate and aim to create representations of place that are a synthesis of natural landscape, history and people, transferred as a layered experience to an audience. They create work across forms of dance, sculpture, video and photography.

Following on, in May 2022, Sunshine Coast Council with support from Horizon Festival and ArtsCoast hosted Lewis Major at 2nd Space, Nambour. While in the region Lewis collaborated with the local dance sector and artists on the development of a major dance work that explored the philosophy of ‘Kintsugi’ through modern technological means.

About Lewis Major

Lewis Major is an award-winning choreographer, director and creative entrepreneur with a background in sheep shearing and a foreground in contemporary dance theatre. His company Lewis Major Projects presents surprisingly real dance works in multiple mediums to diverse audiences across the world, having created 17 different works both independently and on commission and having presented them on 6 continents to widespread critical acclaim.