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Arts and ecology centre

The Maroochy arts and ecology centre is a specialised arts and ecology interpretative centre, located at the garden.

Arts and ecology centre

The Maroochy arts and ecology centre is located at the Maroochy regional bushland botanic garden. It is a specialised arts and ecology interpretative centre. The building design gives strong consideration to its setting in the gardens, and utilises ecological principles within its design and operation.

Council completed construction of the centre in July 2011, and officially opened the centre on 26 August 2011. The federal government supported this project, which provided $3 million in funding.

The arts and ecology centre is a hub for a variety of activities such as exhibitions, artist in residencies, educational events and informative displays that connect directly with nature to enable a better understanding of the environment and the importance of biodiversity.


Council, in partnership with the Friends of Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens Inc., designed the centre.

The centre is an example of optimum sustainable architecture and landscape design. It acts as a catalyst to inspire the community to adopt similar principles in the planning and implementation of domestic and commercial construction projects.

The gardens surrounding the centre have been designed on the principle of the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, that shape and influence the natural landscapes of the Sunshine Coast.

Art and ecology centre fact sheets