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The Sunshine Coast has many outdoor venues where you can hold an event, wedding or ceremony.

Weddings and ceremonies

The Sunshine Coast has many attractive parks and beaches for weddings or other formal ceremonies. However, you will need approval from council to do so. If you wish to use a beach for your ceremony, it must take place outside the flagged bathing area that is setup on the day.

Application process

Complete an application form:

If you fill in the form correctly (complete all the required fields), you should receive a receipt and approval letter within ten (10) working days. If there is another booking or event which conflicts with your application, council will contact you by telephone to discuss. Tentative bookings will not be accepted for weddings and ceremonies.

Please note that your booking is only confirmed once you have received an approval letter from council.


You will need to pay a booking fee. Please refer to the application for wedding/formal ceremony (DOCX, 244KB) for the current fee (GST free). You can pay the fee by cash, cheque or credit card. The fee will not be refunded if you cancel your booking.

You can submit your form with payment details by email (scanned form attached), fax, post, or in person at one of council's customer service centres. See application form for application lodgement and payment details.

Things to consider

  • How important is it that you have control of the area chosen? Other people may be in the area picnicking, playing or walking dogs or this may be a designated dog off leash area. There may also be another ceremony both before and/or after your booking
  • Can the official party and all your guests get to the area safely?
  • Do you have elderly or mobility impaired guests?
  • Is the area easily accessible for delivering equipment and setup? Vehicle access is not permitted into park or beach areas. Vehicles must be parked in designated car parking spaces
  • Do you have a wet weather alternative?

Your booking will ensure that there are no other bookings for the same time and in the same location. However, the approval does not guarantee exclusive use of the area and its facilities.

Council keeps its parks and gardens tidy on a routine maintenance program. Council does not provide special mowing or servicing of the area. Council cannot control leaf or other debris from people using the area before your ceremony.

Some areas are more exposed to the elements than others, for example, late afternoon winds along the coastal strip. The available space and ambiance of beaches is also affected by high or low tides. Council recommends you check the local tide times.

View this information in the wedding and ceremonies fact sheet (PDF, 179KB).

Finding a venue

See popular locations for weddings, ceremonies and events.

Events on council land

If you are planning an event on the Sunshine Coast please contact council before completing the application form. This applies to both new and recurring events. Council staff will check if the location is available.

For some venues you can check availability online or search the beaches and parks directory.

Application process

If you wish to hold an event in a park, on a beach or road, you will need a permit from council.

You must complete the application in full and submit it to council at least six weeks before the event. For major events, you should make the application at least six months before the event. Applications may need to be lodged earlier for larger scale, high impact events. You should submit your application before advertising your event. For help completing the application form and planning your event, please refer to the information pack:


All fees for holding an event are in accordance with council's fees and charges. Fees are listed in the information pack.

Events on private land

An event on private land, which is open to the public, requires local law approval from council. Fees may apply. Complete the application form (DOCX, 418KB).

Approval may also be required under council's planning schemes. Contact council on (07) 5475 7272 or email [email protected].