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Currimundi Beach

Beach Access points 255 - 262. Currimundi Beach, which is patrolled seasonally, lies south of Currimundi Lake and has two main locations at Watson Street and Buderim Street which are connected by the coastal pathway. Lifeguard tower located at Beach Access 254.

Currimundi Beach

Currimundi Beach lies south of Currimundi Lake and has two main locations at Watson Street and Buderim Street which are connected by the Coastal Pathway. Beach Access points are 255 - 262.

Part of Currimundi Beach is patrolled. At the northern end of Watson Street is the Currimundi Lifeguard Tower and Cliff Hargreaves Park. For information on patrol times, visit the Beachsafe website.

At Buderim Street is the Ballinger Beach Park, which is the unpatrolled end of Currimundi Beach.

Dogs are permitted off leash at all times on the beach from Gothic Parade to Ann Street at Dicky Beach. To protect our foreshores and native animals, dogs are NOT permitted in the dunal areas or in the Foreshore Reserves.



Watson Street and Buderim Street, Currimundi