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Barking and roaming

Find assistance on what to do about dogs that make excessive noise by barking, and details on what to do if you find a roaming dog or see a wild dog.

It is an offence to allow your dog to:

  • make excessive noise by barking or howling
  • roam outside of your property unattended.

Barking dogs

If a neighbour’s barking dog is bothering you, your first step should be to discuss the problem with the dog’s owner. Let the dog's owner know when it is a problem.

If you are unable to resolve the problem through discussion, contact council to report.

You will be required to collect sufficient evidence to establish the extent of the problem. This is done by completing and returning a barking dog log (diary). Council will address barking dog complaints according to the barking dog process.

Anti-bark collars

Barking collars are designed to provide behavioural correction when you are not at home.

Anit-barking collars should only be used under the guidance of a certified behavioural professional.

Alternative solutions for barking dogs

Owners of dogs with excessive barking problems should consult their veterinarian or an animal behaviourist.

There are plenty of websites online providing solutions on how to prevent dogs from barking or you can find similar services listed in the Yellow Pages.

Ongoing barking is often a symptom of another problem, such as:

  • loneliness
  • separation from its owner
  • boredom
  • frustration
  • attention-seeking
  • fear
  • threat to territory.

Obedience training and discipline are very important. A dog can be trained to be alone and to bark only on command.

Dogs are social animals and require a certain amount of interaction on a daily basis. If your dog barks when you are away from home, it is probably due to loneliness. Try giving your pet stimulants such as balls and chew toys to keep them occupied while you are away.

You could also try giving your dog a bone when you leave the house. This gives the dog a positive association with your departure.

Behavioural changes can sometimes be achieved simply by walking your dog twice a day. This will help to relieve boredom.

Roaming animals

Roaming, straying or wandering refers to an animal that is not kept under effective control (as defined in council's local laws).

If you have found a wandering dog, you may contain it on your property and contact council to arrange collection.

For more information, please contact council.

Animal cages

You can borrow a cage from council if you wish to impound domestic cats that are roaming onto your property. There is no fee to use the cage. For more information on this service please contact council.

If you suspect the roaming cats are feral, please contact council for more information.

Wild dogs

To report sightings and incidents caused by wild dogs, please complete the form below and return to council's customer service centre.