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Council is committed to protecting people and assets in and around council property. Where necessary, CCTV surveillance systems can be used.

Council’s primary use of CCTV is to discourage and/or detect unlawful behaviour. When assessed as appropriate, council may install CCTV cameras:

  • in and around council property
  • in identified high risk public spaces across the region.

Other safety and crime prevention measures include:

  • improved design
  • improved lighting
  • activation of public spaces
  • additional security measures.

Locations of public space CCTV cameras

Council's public space CCTV cameras include:

  • Caloundra - Taxi Rank, Minchinton Street
  • Caloundra Bus Interchange
  • Mooloolaba Esplanade
  • Mooloolaba Esplanade Taxi Rank
  • Maroochydore - Taxi Rank, Ocean Street
  • Nambour - Town Square
  • Nambour - Lowe Street
  • Nambour - Taxi Rank, Ann Street.

Other CCTV technology

Council’s smart city living lab project is trialling advanced CCTV cameras to better understand the capabilities and limitations of these emerging technologies. These devices may be operating for limited periods performing experiments such as people counting, heat mapping and car-park utilisation. They are not installed as a public safety solution and may not be operating at all times. Footage will only be accessed by persons authorised to do so and may be provided to Queensland Police Services for law enforcement purposes.

Council does use relocatable covert CCTV cameras. Images and footage may be used to investigate and/or prosecute civil and criminal offences. The location of these cameras is not available to the public due to the nature of their purpose.

Waste collection trucks are fitted with cameras for complaint/performance management purposes. They are used in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). Images and footage are only accessed by persons authorised to do so. Footage may be provided to the Queensland Police Service for law enforcement purposes. Please direct enquiries to council's customer service centre.

Obtaining CCTV footage from public space CCTV cameras

Access to council's public spaces CCTV systems and cameras is strictly controlled through council's public spaces CCTV policy and the Information Privacy Act 2009. System access is only available to:

  • approved council officers
  • approved contracted service providers
  • Queensland Police Service.

CCTV recordings are stored digitally. Recordings not required for investigations or as evidence are recorded over or erased after 30 days.

Any person/s requesting access to camera footage can apply to council by completing either

  • Information Privacy (IP) Act access application, or
  • right to information (RTI) application.

If you are a party in legal proceedings, you may have other avenues to obtain footage. For more information check the Department of Justice and Attorney General website.

Before making a request for public space CCTV footage, ensure you have:

  • the camera identification number (a three digit number that can be found at the camera site)
  • the location of the camera
  • the date of required footage
  • the time of required footage.

Law enforcement agencies can request footage by contacting council. Footage will only be released to an authorised law enforcement agency investigating an incident.


CCTV recordings are only accessed by authorised persons. The information collected may be provided to agencies like the Queensland Police Service for law enforcement purposes. Your personal information will not be given to any other person or agency unless required by law. Any personal information is handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.

Requests for new CCTV systems

Any requests for CCTV in public spaces are assessed using the CCTV assessment framework as outlined in the public spaces closed circuit television (CCTV) policy (PDF, 79.79KB). If a request has strong evidence to support the need, it will be forwarded to council for consideration.

For more information, contact council.