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Open now! Migrant Business Ready Scholarship 

Learn essential business skills and turn your vision into a reality. Benefit from group learning and networking opportunities linking you into the business and industry networks of the Sunshine Coast.

Program includes:

  • 10 business skills coaching circles (2hrs each, one session per fortnight)
  • Building community and finding your business voice.
  • Unlocking your "why" and defining your values.
  • The business vision.
  • Business quest.
  • Unpack your customers.
  • Product and service proposition.
  • Customer experience strategy.
  • Sales and marketing stories and strategies.
  • Building financial projections and plans.
  • Navigating risk and create accountability.

Access to an online coaching portal for assistance between sessions.

Option to work with your business coach to upgrade your learning into a Certificate 3 or 4 Business Qualification.

Venue and dates 

10 fortnightly sessions starting Tuesday 14 May from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

Community CoLab, City Hall, 54 First Ave, Maroochydore. 

Express your interest now! 

The scholarships are valued at $1,200. Successful applicants will pay $65, and Council will subsidise the remaining fees. Payment will be required after you have been accepted into the program. 

Submitting an expression of interest does not guarantee you a place in the program.

To be eligible you must:

  • Commit to attending all coaching circles.
  • Be a permanent resident of the Sunshine Coast local government area.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Be confident in spoken and written English.
  • Have skills and abilities to bring your business idea to life.
  • Have a current ABN or willing to register for an ABN.
  • Have a business idea located on the Sunshine Coast.

Applications close on 29 April and successful applicants will be advised by 2 May.

Apply here

Please email [email protected] for more information.

Level Up Your Business

Level Up Your Business provides information and support from Chambers of Commerce, industry groups and all levels of government to provide you with a centralised resource centre. Types of resources available:

  • business planning
  • networks and support
  • continuity planning
  • permits, licences, and regulations
  • grants, funding, and programs
  • sustainability in business
  • digital upskilling

Become a council supplier

Council prefers to support local businesses.  If you are a local trade or maintenance business please subscribe to council's tender alert service, you will also receive notification of council events for businesses.

New Business Assistance with New Enterprise Incentive Scheme

New Business Assistance with NEIS provides support to people interested in starting their own business or who need help to refocus an existing micro-business.

Business news

Stay up to date with business e-news and events, and find resources, tools and support for your business on councils’ website.