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Being a new arrival can be challenging – listen to these stories of other migrants and learn how they managed to settle.

Most migrant nationalities have formed an association or group where you can meet others from your country, speak in your own language and ask where to buy your favourite foods etc. You can find a social group you might like to join in the Handbook and Directory[1983KB].

Hear Duyen talk about his 'bumpy' road from Vietnam to the Sunshine Coast.

Jang moved from Thailand more than ten years ago. She now feels this is home.

Arriving here was different for these German singers but they agree meeting neighbours and making friends helps you settle in.

Samoko came from Kenya to work in the music and arts.

Sawyma & Olga have both have found a sense of belonging through the local community centre.

Tibetan Topgyal wanted a better life for his child.