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  • Caloundra CWA Branch

    Caloundra CWA group

    Grant type: Major Grant - Community Development

    Project: Sew the CWA Way

    Funded: $6,472 Beneficiaries: 40

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  • Caloundra Off Road Cycling Association

    Mountain bike trail

    Grant Type: Minor Grant - Community Facilities

    Project: Sugarbag Mountain Bike Trails damage repair

    Funded: $2,000    Beneficiaries: 1000

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  • Coolum Men's Shed

    Coolum Men's Shed

    Grant type: Major Grant - Community Facilities

    Project: The construction of a light industrial shed to be the new home for the Coolum Men's Shed. Funding was for the second stage of the project, being the supply and installation of a metal shed.

    Funded: $25,000 Beneficiaries: 65

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  • Cycling Without Age


    Grant type: Major Grant - Community Development

    Project: Purchase trailer for accessible-trishaw.

    Funded: $7,067 Beneficiaries: 770

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  • Maleny Film Society

    crowd in front of stage Maleny Film Society

    Grant type: Minor Grant - Cultural Development

    Project: A series of planned activities to extend Maleny's Australian Film Festival program with the aim of increasing awareness and appreciation of cinematic art by the local community.

    Funded: $1,200 Beneficiaries: 685

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  • Mapleton Community Library

    library shelving books

    Grant type: Major Grant - Community Development

    Project: Purchase of book display units to provide improved access for adult and children members. Installation of end panels to enhance the display of the general collection and construction of storage boxes for children's resources.

    Funded: $3,000 Beneficiaries: 320

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  • Maroochy Gunyah Group

    people viewing photography exhibition

    Grant type: Minor Grant - Cultural Heritage

    Project: A photographic exhibition of traditional indigenous dwellings of South East Queensland.

    Funded: $2,000 Beneficiaries: 350

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  • Sunshine Coast Chamber Music Festival


    Grant type: Councillor Discretionary Funding

    Project: Chair and fence hire for Cotton Tree Open Air Concert

    Funded: $1,000      Beneficiaries: 250

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  • Sunshine Coast Environment Council


    Grant type: Major Grant - Community Events

    Project: The 39th annual World Environment Day Festival held at Cotton Tree Park.

    Funded: $12,000 Beneficiaries: 8,000

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  • Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Group Incorporated


    Grant Type: Major Grant - Community Development

    Project: 'Our Shared History' Seminars.

    Funded: $7,500 Beneficiaries: 300

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  • Sunshine Coast Stand Up Paddle Club

    Sunshine Coast Stand Up Paddle Board Group

    Grant type: Major Grant - Sport, Recreation & Healthy Living

    Project: The purchase of a custom built multiple-board trailer to transport up to 12 stand up paddle boards to various events.

    Funded: $4,000 Beneficiaries: 105

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