Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Real-time information

Real time info shows you accurate predictions for the next bus and train services departing your stop or station from the palm of your hand.

Real-time information

TransLink's real-time public transport information provides accurate predictions for service departures within the next hour based on the vehicles GPS location. Whenever you are out and about you can search real-time information for all TransLink bus, train, ferry and tram services in South East Queensland from any mobile device.

Real-time information at Sunshine Plaza

Council has partnered with Sunshine Plaza to include real-time information in all directory kiosks through the shopping centre. This means you can check when the next bus is expected to leave Maroochydore Station to make the best use of the time you have available.

Just select the bus icon on the home screen, and you will be taken to the real-time information screen. Filter by route or platform number to easily view your next departing service. The introduction of real-time information on kiosks throughout Sunshine Plaza was delivered by council's TravelSmart team and funded by the Transport Levy.

Accessing real-time information

  • TransLink's mobile and desktop website by visiting TransLink
  • TransLink's 24/7 contact centre on 13 12 30
  • MyTransLink app
  • Popular third-party apps using TransLink real-time data, include Triptastic, NextThere, TransitTimes+ Australia & NZ and TripGo.

Visit Translink or call 13 12 30 to find out more.

More information

For more information on TransLink services, consult their online journey planner to discover the bus service best for you. Alternatively call 13 12 30.

Before you head out, be sure to check TransLink's service updates page for any changes that may affect your journey.