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Council operates many waste management facilities across the Sunshine Coast that includes resource recovery centres and recycling markets. Council's aim is to:

  • provide convenient, customer-focused waste disposal for residents
  • help residents to participate in resource recovery for re-use and recycling
  • provide not-for-profit sales outlets for re-distributing recovered items.

Council recovers goods and resources from the waste materials that are delivered to these centres. This includes goods that can be sold for re-use, and construction materials such as steel and concrete that can be re-processed and recycled. It also includes all other common recyclables that are collected in the yellow top bins (such as cardboard, paper, cans, etc.), or garden waste that is turned into mulch.

Refer to our Conditions of Entry if you plan to visit our facilities.

Note: Council does not provide a public weighbridge at any of its facilities. 

Resource Recovery Centres

Sort your load and save money

When you arrive at a resource recovery centre you will drive through a sorting area. The officers will inspect your load and assist you to remove any items that can be recycled, re-sold, repaired or restored.

Most of the recyclables can be deposited free of charge. So if you separate your recyclables from the rubbish before travelling to the resource recovery centre, your trip to the tip will cost you less.

You will be charged for any remaining items in the load. The person at the gate will direct you to the correct area to unload.

For a full list of items that can be disposed of at council's waste facilities at no charge, please visit the free disposal items page.

If you are disposing of green waste and other items in the same load, you will save more money if you separate your load into:

  • green waste - to be disposed of in the green waste stockpile
  • timber - if saleable, to be disposed of at the drive through area, otherwise as general waste
  • rubble - to be disposed of in the concrete stockpile
  • metal - to be disposed in the scrap metal bin or stockpile.