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  • Children play on an interactive area within a bushland setting.

    The garden, including the arts and ecology centre, is set amongst 82 hectares of eucalypt and riparian forest, with creeks, lagoons and walking tracks.

  • An image about undefined

    The Maroochy arts and ecology centre is a specialised arts and ecology interpretative centre, located at the garden.

  • Group people gathered in a bushland area.

    The garden has a variety of attractions that visitors can enjoy. The garden is a haven where the coast's botanical heritage can be grown and nurtured.

  • An image about undefined

    A wonderful array of plants may be seen in the bushland and landscaped areas. The botanic garden plays an important role in conservation of native rare endangered species.

  • An image about undefined

    A wonderful array of birds and animals inhabit the gardens. The gardens play an important role in conservation of rare and endangered species.

  • An image about undefined

    Council staff work closely with the friends of the garden to achieve the many objectives of the garden.

  • People walking on a formed path within a rainforest setting.

    Learn more about the garden's facilities, amenities and opening hours. School groups are invited to study nature in our learning circle.