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Storms to continue across weekend

The Sunshine Coast received close to 10% of the region’s annual average rainfall during storms last night and, with more forecast on Friday and across the weekend, the Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) will remain on 'alert' until Monday.

Storms to continue across weekend

The Sunshine Coast received close to 10% of the region’s annual average rainfall during storms last night and, with more forecast on Friday and across the weekend, the Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) will remain on 'alert' until Monday.

Local Disaster Coordinator Andrew Ryan has reminded the community that unstable conditions made it difficult to predict where the worst of the weather would hit.

“There’s a very high chance of significant rainfall from today to Sunday in localised areas, with the possibility of severe thunderstorms,” Mr Ryan said.

“Last night alone, we saw 129mm fall in Mapleton, 145mm in Parklands and 69mm at Bli Bli – if we get that sort of rainfall during the day, it can pose a real risk for drivers.

“At this stage the Bureau of Meteorology is predicting the highest levels of rainfall for Saturday, but this could change quickly.

“What we saw in last night’s storms are what we call ‘micro bursts’ of short duration heavy rainfall, so there could be significant rainfall in one location and virtually none in the next suburb – that’s why it’s important that everyone across the region is aware and prepared for the unstable weather conditions.

“It’s easy to be complacent when we haven’t had severe weather for some time, but flash flooding, damaging winds and large hail are all very common with these types of thunderstorms.”

Mr Ryan asked the community to avoid roads flooded by flash flooding and to take the opportunity to ensure they have an emergency kit ready.

“The most important items for people to have are a radio and a torch – it’s essential that you can stay up to date if the power goes out,” he said.

"As always, we remind people to never drive through flood waters – if it's flooded, forget it.

"Visit council's Disaster Hub website, which is also available via council’s new app, for all the information needed to be prepared before, during and after a severe weather event – including weather warnings and road closures."

Weather related warnings and advice can be viewed on the Disaster Hub website throughout the weekend.