Community place naming
Find out how some of the names of parks, places or community infrastructure came about. Information on how to submit a naming proposal.
Council is the custodian of an expanding collection of parks, reserves, places and community infrastructure.
Community naming of parks and places
The community may initiate the naming of council-owned or managed parks, reserves, places and community infrastructure not already officially named.
Search the directory
Find out how some of the name of parks, places or community infrastructure came about by searching in the names origin directory.
Community naming proposals
To submit a community naming proposal follow these steps:
- read the naming of parks, places, community infrastructure, roads and street numbering policy to ensure your proposal will meet the criteria
- contact the community connections team to discuss your proposal and to confirm the place is council owned or managed, phone (07) 5420 8616 or email [email protected]
- if proposed location and name is acceptable complete a naming proposal form which will include evidence of community engagement and supporting documents
- submit the proposal to council.
Naming proposals will be assessed under the naming of parks, places, community infrastructure, roads and street numbering policy.
Guiding principles
Principles common to all naming applications.
- Consideration to be given to using Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander names
- Naming should be unique and not cause confusion
- Use the form, spelling and style of contemporary Australian English.
Note: If a personal name is proposed, the person being commemorated should be recognised in memoriam and:
- have contributed significantly to the development of the immediate locality or greater region
- have demonstrated outstanding levels of civic service
- have achieved role-model status in the wider community or have donated property or funds for community benefit.