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You could win up to $1,000 off your next rates bill just by signing up to receive your future rates notices by email and either, paying your rates in full online or setting up a payment arrangement online before 5pm on Wednesday, 21 August 2024.

Receiving your rates notices online is more financially and environmentally cost effective and means you can receive and pay your rates notices wherever you are, anywhere in the world and arrange payment in a more timely manner.  

So do your bit for the environment and put yourself in the running to win $1,000 off your next rates bill!

Here’s what you need to do to be in the running:

  1. Go to https://mycouncil.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ and sign up or login to your existing MyCouncil account
  2. Click on the ‘property and rates’ tile and add your property using your rates payment reference number (you’ll find that on your rates notice)
  3. Click on ‘update your rates notice delivery’ – you’ll be directed to another page where you’ll see your current rates delivery method. Simply change ‘post’ to ‘email’, add a valid email address, read the terms and conditions and agree to them, then click ‘submit’
  4. Do one of the following:
  • pay your current rates bill using one of the following convenient methods: BPAY, Sniip, via credit card over the phone to Australia Post, via MyCouncil, or
  • set up a payment arrangement using the link on council's website or from within your MyCouncil account.

You can watch a step-by-step video to signing up with MyCouncil here.

For terms and conditions on council’s ‘Win your Rates’ competition, click here.