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This master plan is being delivered as a key action of the adopted Nambour Activation Plan.


The master plan aims to guide the revitalisation of Petrie Creek Parklands as a recreational area that links to Nambour’s town centre with a safe pathway network to make it easier to walk and cycle. This encourages health and well-being, and enhances the natural environment.

Community engagement

The community was invited to have your say on the draft Petrie Creek Parklands Open Space Master Plan.

Submissions closed 5pm Monday 8 August 2016.

Where to from here

The Petrie Creek Parklands Open Space Master Plan presents a 20 year plus vision with a number of key outcomes that can be delivered through a staged implementation process over the short, medium and long term. The staged implementation of the precinct plan will occur over a number of years subject to available funding.

Currently construction is underway for the new council park on Howard Street. Stage 1 of the park development is focused on building the ‘bones’ of the park including the following:

  • 600m of new pathways
  • 4700m2 area for dogs to exercise off-leash with agility equipment – natural barriers are used in this park due to the high frequency of flooding
  • 92 native shade trees
  • 2 large turfed areas providing open spaces

The project is due to be completed in the spring (weather permitting)

See the New Council Park future projects plan.

Completed projects

Since endorsement, council has delivered the following project from the master plan.

  • Doolan Street/ Model Rail Park pedestrian link
  • A new barbeque shelter in Quota Memorial Park
  • A new car park and removal of the old skate park at Petrie park


This Open Space Master Plan is an action from the Nambour Activation Plan which was adopted in October 2015.

The plan was prepared by Sunshine Coast Council’s Landscape and Urban Design Unit in 2012 and has been updated for endorsement in 2016. The master plan is aligned with legislation and the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. The Planning Scheme supports Nambour’s role as a Major Regional Activity Centre, as defined by the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031.


For more information, please contact council’s customer service (07) 5475 7272.