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Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We commit to working in partnership with the Traditional Custodians and the broader First Nations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) community to support self-determination through economic and community development.


Website refresh 2024


Disaster Hub

Lady in library reading a story to a young child

Sunshine Coast Libraries


Have your say

Glasshouse Mountains sunset

Environment and liveability

This week’s highlights



The Curated Plate

Food and drink festival July 26 - August 4.


living and community 

Landholder Environment Grants

Grants for rural property owners open now.



Fire ants detected in our region

Check your backyard for these aggressive pests with a painful sting.



Doonan Planting Festival

Plant a tree at this National Tree Day event on July 28.


living and community 

Don't bin your batteries

Find your nearest battery drop off point.

This month's featured stories



Reed Street and Bruce Parade - Streetscape refurbishment

Works to beautify Glass House Mountain’s entry into the town centre will soon begin on creating a welcome sense on arrival for locals and visitors.



Golden Beach foreshore works

Approximately 300m of seawall, a boat ramp, a section of the coastal footpath and beach access will be upgraded along the Golden Beach foreshore over the coming years.

Kirbys Road Environment Reserve looking south
Photo credit: Dr Ken Wishaw and Geoff Simon


Establishing a proposed Sunshine Coast Dark Sky Reserve

Council is commencing a phased community engagement process on a proposal to establish a Sunshine Coast Dark Sky Reserve through the International Dark Sky Places Program.

Mooloolaba's Northern Parkland


Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project

Sunshine Coast Council is investing in the future of Mooloolaba with a major foreshore revitalisation project to create more beachfront parkland, new community facilities, improve access to the beach and foreshore and enhance coastal protection for the benefit of residents, visitors and businesses.


experience sunshine coast 

Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032

The Sunshine Coast is proud to be a co-host city for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032. We will be home to 4 key venues and nine proposed Olympic and Paralympic events.



Moffat Beach seawall repair project

The Moffat Beach seawall project is for protecting the Moffat Beach community parklands, paths, roads and facilities from future climate change impacts whilst providing access points from the parkland to the beach.

In the spotlight



NAIDOC week celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Enjoy First Nations art

Visit the Caloundra Regional Gallery for the Contemporary Songlines exhibition. This year-long collaborative First Nations student/youth and women’s exhibition showcases our First Nations regional artists’ collective stories and culture.


Make a coolamon

Immerse yourself into the tradition of creating coolamon clay pots. Engage in inspiring conversations with Aunty Jude Hammond as you get hands-on with air-dry clay, shaping and moulding your unique piece.