Golden Beach foreshore works
Approximately 300m of seawall, a boat ramp, a section of the coastal footpath and beach access is being upgraded along the Golden Beach foreshore over the coming years.
Work to the Golden Beach foreshore is underway as part of the Bribie Island breakthrough action plan. The work is being done in stages and includes upgrading approximately 300m of seawall, raising a section of the coastal pathway and repairing a beach access. It’ll also include steps to contain the asbestos-containing material found on some sections of the TS Onslow site.
The work is being done in stages, including:
- seawall and foreshore works – Esplanade, between Jellicoe and Nelson Streets (now complete)
- foreshore and seawall reconstruction – TS Onslow to Nelson Street (due to begin mid-2025).
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TS Onslow to Nelson Street, Golden Beach
Foreshore and seawall reconstruction
We are partnering with the Queensland Government to reconstruct the existing seawall to protect the foreshore from Nelson Street to the TS Onslow Naval Cadets site in southern Golden Beach.
The existing seawall and foreshore were damaged in the extraordinary weather events of 2021 and 2022.
This project will reconstruct the damaged boat ramp at the Navy Cadets site along with the surrounding parklands and coastal pathway along the Esplanade.
This will provide better access to the water and protect the valuable park, coastal pathway and road near the revetment wall from coastal hazards.
Project update: where we are at
We are on track and have completed the detailed design for the rock seawall, concrete stepped wall, stair, integrated beach access ramp and landscaping.
The new seawall design has undergone physical modelling in Sydney to complement the computer modelling used in its design. This helps to confirm the seawall is designed to be fit for purpose to protect against storms and waves in this location.
We are waiting on final approval to proceed and expect to start construction after the Easter holidays (2025) and complete the works by end-2025, depending on weather, site conditions and contractor availability.
This is a complex project which requires careful consideration of the potential future impacts of the tidal breakthrough at Bribie Island and in the Pumicestone Passage.
This project will also address the uncontrolled fill and asbestos containing material found on some sections of the site after a number of items were washed up at the eastern end of Onslow Street late in 2023.
The TS Onslow site is owned by the Queensland Government and leased by the Navy Cadets. Sunshine Coast Council is leading the project team and working closely with both parties to progress this critical reconstruction scheme.
The temporary fence at the TS Onslow site will remain in place based on Queensland Government advice and we will continue to monitor the area for signs of asbestos.
Frequently asked questions - TS Onslow
How has the project been funded?
How has the project been funded?
In 2024, the Queensland and Australian Governments jointly funded the project for coastal protection reconstruction works at the TS Onslow Naval Cadet site in Golden Beach. This is being delivered by Sunshine Coast Council.
What is the project budget?
What is the project budget?
Project budget is $4.5 million.
When will construction begin?
When will construction begin?
Work is expected to begin after the April school holidays and be completed before December 31, 2025, weather pending.
We will provide more information about the construction schedule and what this means for you soon.
Who designed the project?
Who designed the project?
Royal Haskoning DHV was the lead consultant for design and permits. Manly Hydraulics Laboratories (MHL) was engaged to perform physical modelling to test for wave overtopping and structure damage on the proposed design.
Will I still be able to use the beach?
Will I still be able to use the beach?
The beach at beach access 319a and at the new seawall opposite Jellicoe Street are expected to remain open.
Can I still access the local businesses and use the coastal path along Golden Beach during construction?
Can I still access the local businesses and use the coastal path along Golden Beach during construction?
The area will remain open and accessible during construction. However, some minor redirections will be required. For your own safety, please stay clear of any works and follow the direction of signage or workers on site.
Will I still be able to park close to the beach at Golden Beach during construction?
Will I still be able to park close to the beach at Golden Beach during construction?
Some parking will be affected during works so we can build the wall safely. We will do our best to minimise these impacts.
Why do we need this project?
Why do we need this project?
Our actions focus on protecting Golden Beach foreshore as well as the important community areas like roads, parks, and playgrounds.
The foreshore area was damaged in the extraordinary weather events of 2022 when the Bribie Island breakthrough occurred.
Conditions at the site deteriorated quickly and erosion along the area subsequently followed due to a lack of protection along this foreshore.
The erosion unlocked contaminated material in the ground which migrated to the beach and subsequently caused the beach to shut for a period of three months.
A seawall will help to “cap” this material and also prevent erosion along the foreshore.
How will the changes to the Pumicestone Passage be incorporated?
How will the changes to the Pumicestone Passage be incorporated?
The project design has factored in a 300mm increase to the tidal range in the Passage caused by the Bribie Island breakthrough, along with projected sea level rise of 0.5m by 2070.
What is the scope of the project?
What is the scope of the project?
As part of this project, we plan to:
- construct a new 170 metre seawall from the northern extent of the site down to the mangroves south of the site
- construct a new 4 metre-wide pedestrian and vehicle ramp at the northern end of the site with terraces to allow for seating and viewing
- reconstruct the damaged boat ramp at the Navy Cadets site along with minor landscaping and improvements to the open space
- retain and preserve the beach area, and push sand back over the base of the new seawall, ramps and stairs
- remove the old foreshore protection structures in front of the TS Onslow site, such as the large concrete blocks
- upgrade a stormwater pipe within the small geosynthetic bag groyne to a large rock type structure, fitted with a duckbill backflow device, to prevent sand blockages and nuisance flooding in future years.
How will the area look different from what it is now?
How will the area look different from what it is now?
The site will have a seawall that connects from the Nelson Street rock wall to the boundary of the TS Onslow site. The seawall will be higher than the current ground level to account for the changes to the tidal prism in the Passage. The trees along the foreshore will have to be removed to build the seawall, however some trees will be planted in the park to offset this.
The seawall will have two accesses: one ramp to help improve access for unpowered watercraft and a staircase.
After constructing the seawall, when permits allow, we will nourish the area if required to ensure the beach area is still useable for all Golden Beach residents and visitors to enjoy.
What are the design parameters?
What are the design parameters?
The seawall has been designed to allow adaptation into the future and accounts for a 50-year design life based on sea level rise projections for 2074 and beyond. It also takes into account significant storm events, as per the Australian standards.
A physical model was constructed in Manly Hydraulics Laboratories (MHL) in Sydney using a wave flume to test the design against wave overtopping and structural damage. As a result of rigorous testing in the wave flume, MHL were also able to verify the design parameters and will help inform future works along Golden Beach.
Previous plans and strategies activities that also fed into the design:
Esplanade, Golden Beach - between Jellicoe and Nelson Streets
Seawall and foreshore works - complete
We have completed the reconstruction of a new seawall with adaptation to future climate hazards in mind, between Jellicoe and Nelson Streets, Golden Beach.
This new seawall will help safeguard the parkland and footpath from damage caused by storm surges, sea level rise and coastal erosion.
This project is one of the ways Council is carefully managing our coastline to protect and preserve it now and into the future.
The project included:
- reconstructing and raising approximately 80 linear metres of the existing seawall using grouted rock
- installing special concrete tiles to create a ‘living seawall’ with habitat for sea creatures
- reconstructing and upgrading the coastal footpath with matching hardwood and stainless-steel handrail
- a new stairway to access the foreshore
- reinstating the barbecue shelter, benches and a wheelchair accessible binoculars station
- reinstating the parkland and planting.
A 'living seawall'
The project was part of a trial with the University of the Sunshine Coast and the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) to install and monitor a ‘living seawall’.
A $300,000 grant was provided to Council from the LGAQ towards building the new raised seawall and including the living seawall elements.
We have attached 100 tiles to the side of the Golden Beach seawall to create an enticing home for sea creatures.
Because the constructed seawall surface is relatively smooth, the aim of the ‘living seawall’ tiles is to help mimic the natural coastal habitat, encouraging seaweed to grow and creating a home for fish and other marine life.
The Golden Beach seawall and foreshore project was completed with the support of the Queensland Government’s LGAQ QCoast2100 Program in association with Sunshine Coast Council.
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