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Caloundra coastal pathway

The coastal pathway is one of many recreational infrastructure projects delivered by council to help the Sunshine Coast community achieve a healthy, active and sustainable lifestyle.

Caloundra coastal pathway

The Caloundra Headland coastal pathway is one section of a 73km long route from Bells Creek in the south to Coolum in the north.

Project scope

The next stage of the pathway is located in the Caloundra Headland area. This 160m long section has been identified as a high priority.

It will replace the existing route along the Esplanade which does not meet coastal pathway standards of being off-road and providing a coastal experience.

The new coastal pathway section will include:  

  • a new 3m wide boardwalk adjacent to the headland
  • seating opportunities and pause points for the community to relax, rest and appreciate the coastal views
  • weed clearing and revegetation, including a new planted area between the road and the boardwalk, replacing the old pathway
  • low level boardwalk lighting incorporated within the handrail posts
  • way-finding signage.

Project update

Construction schedule 

Following a public tender process, Sunshine Coast based construction company, Aspect Contractors has been appointed to construct the boardwalk.

To minimise inconvenience to residents and visitors construction is being staged.  

The indicative construction timeline is as follows:

  • Stage 1 – October to November 2023 - Boardwalk foundation and preparation works
  • Stage 2 – December 2023 to May 2024 - Boardwalk construction
  • Stage 3 – June 2024 to July 2024 - Existing concrete path removed, landscaping and extensive revegetation

All works are weather dependent.

Project news and updates


Between 21 November to 28 February 2017, council undertook a community consultation process for the draft coastal pathway master plan. More than 2000 submissions were received from the community.

The coastal pathway linear open space master plan was adopted at council’s ordinary meeting 7 December 2017 and aims to guide council in expanding on existing pathways to improve access to these iconic views, beaches and parks.

The consultation process and summary of key findings can be viewed on the coastal pathway linear open space master plan community consultation summary report.


For more information about the project, please email Caloundra Headland coastal pathway project.

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