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Sunshine Coast Centres Revitalisation Program – Centres Assessments

Sunshine Coast Council is assessing public spaces within our main activity centres. The results will help to inform future place planning and potential placemaking initiatives.

Sunshine Coast Centres Revitalisation Program – Centres Assessments


Activity centres are focussed on our main streets and surrounding spaces within our urban areas.   

The Centres Revitalisation Program aims to improve public spaces within our centres. This includes public spaces like streets, plazas, forecourts, and park spaces.

We want to ensure these public spaces support our community and local businesses.

We are seeking to further understand what is working well and what can be improved in these valued public spaces. This will inform future place planning and potential placemaking initiatives.

Project scope

We will assess centres across the Sunshine Coast on a variety of place elements. These include the provision of green spaces and street trees, pedestrian safety and accessibility, community activity and vitality, place character and sustainability.   

The Placemaking team will use a range of methods to assess the centres. This will include in-place observation, data collection and range of technical data inputs.  

A short survey targeting residents and businesses will also inform the assessment. An external contractor will conduct the surveys on behalf of Council. We will ask participants about their experience and use of local centres.

Result of the assessment will inform future planning. It will also identify opportunities for potential projects, programs, and initiatives.  


The Place Revitalisation Program aims to deliver planning, infrastructure, and activation projects within activity centres.

To inform the development of the program, we need a current assessment of the region’s activity centres.

Council funds this Centres Assessments project through its 10-Year Capital Works Program.


For more information please contact Council's Placemaking team at [email protected]