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The Caloundra to Currimundi (C2C) Active Transport Corridor project aims to deliver a safe and comfortable route to significantly increase the number of people walking and riding in these communities. 

This will be achieved by creating an inclusive walking and riding outcome for people of all ages and abilities, including safety improvements for riders continuing on road.

The C2C Active Transport Corridor is located along the Queensland Government’s Principal Cycle Network (PCN). The C2C corridor is a high priority as it links many centres and schools to provide valuable and safe active transport connections for people walking, riding bikes, and using micro-mobility.

The publicly available PCN Plan map published in 2016 shows the corridor alignment along Maltman Street and Buccleigh Street. After State Government consultation in 2022, the draft PCN map has been updated to move the alignment to George Street and Tooway Parade. 

The Active Transport route will enable people of all ages and abilities to safely enjoy getting where they need to go. The corridor will help create calmer streets, particularly around schools, key accesses and assembly points, and integrate effectively with surrounding open space areas. Where possible, Council will aim to maintain the existing supply of car parking within the project area.

The Australian and Queensland governments are together contributing $1.9 million in funding through the South East Queensland (SEQ) Liveability Fund under the SEQ City Deal towards stage 3 of the C2C Active Transport Corridor.

C2C is recognised on Queensland Government’s Principal Cycle Network.

The proposed project route will link Caloundra to Currimundi, connecting five schools and linking to six centres.

The proposed project route will link Caloundra to Currimundi, connecting six schools and linking to six centres.

Community engagement

Consultation was open between 4 November and 5pm, 29 November 2024. We invited community members to provide feedback via an online survey. Your input and feedback will assist us to:

  • better understand the issues and opportunities along the C2C corridor
  • understand the type of active transport infrastructure that is important to our community
  • ensure connectivity and accessibility measures are tailored to the needs of the communities along the C2C corridor
  • understand community preference relating to open spaces and landscaping along the C2C corridor.


Sunshine Coast Council’s Corporate Plan 2024-2028 includes ‘Our Strong Community’ goal. This encourages a healthy and active community through planning and delivery of the transport network to support active transport modes (walking and cycling).

To align with strategic priorities, the project will also reference Council’s Active Transport Plan. This considers development in the region, including population growth, the emergence of personal mobility devices, and improved active transport standards and guidelines.


  • November 2024 – Community Engagement Phase 1 NOW CLOSED
  • November 2024 – Targeted stakeholder engagement
  • November 2024 – April 2025 – development of design options
  • April 2025 – Community Engagement Phase 2
  • Late 2025: Detailed design
  • June 2027: Implementation/construction

Next steps

This project will have two phases of community engagement.

Feedback gathered during Phase 1 will be used to inform planning and design of the corridor. It will ensure that we recognise and address any potential issues or concerns.

In April 2025 as part of phase 2 community engagement, we will share the outcomes from Phase 1 community engagement and present the corridor design to our community for feedback and commentary. Feedback received during Phase 2 will be used to finalise the corridor detailed design.

Funding is required to progress other stages to design and construction. We will keep our community updated with information as it becomes available.

If you would like to remain updated on this project, please follow the project via Have Your Say Sunshine Coast.

Frequently asked questions

Contact us

Have a question for the project team? Get in touch via:

E: [email protected] 

P: 07 5475 7272 (stating project number P-K5925 Caloundra to Currimundi Active Transport Corridor)