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Planning for the Goshawk Boulevard extension transport link has been in place since the late 1990’s.

In 2003 council purchased land to provide 2 important outcomes for the community:

  • an environmental reserve
  • a transport corridor.

In 2007 council completed a planning study on the connection of Stringybark Road to Power Road. This planning study considered environmental, social and economic issues.

Community consultation was undertaken on many potential alignment options. Council used the feedback to identify the preferred alignment for the transport corridor. Council adopted the Goshawk Boulevard extension at its Ordinary Meeting of September 2007. See endorsed alignment (PDF, 878KB).

Council selected the alignment to:

  • reduce the impact on specific environmentally valuable trees
  • reduce the severance impact of the future road on the environmental area.

This provided a greater connected area for environmental purposes.

Council reinforced its position on the need to provide the Goshawk Boulevard extension in the:

Both plans involved community consultation and stakeholder engagement.

Project aim

The project is one of many in which council is planning to invest. It aims to improve multi-modal transport access surrounding the Sippy Downs town centre.

The purpose of the extension is to:

  • provide pedestrian and cyclist connectivity between residential unit developments on Power Road (e.g. IRT The Palms retirement village) and the nearest local shops on Goshawk Boulevard
  • provide for a future public transport link to better service medium density residential development on Power Road and Goshawk Boulevard
  • provide local connectivity for residents on and near Figbird Crescent and Starling Street to access the Sunshine Motorway at Dixon Road without the need to travel through the Sippy Downs town centre
  • provide a required secondary access to the Atrium Development.

Project scope

The Goshawk Boulevard extension will connect Stringybark Road to Power Road and generally include:

  • 2 traffic lanes
  • walking and riding pathways.

This transport project will create an integrated link for:

  • walking
  • riding
  • public transport
  • motorists.

Where to from here

Current planning is that council will construct the transport link around 2028, pending budget approval. Detailed design and community engagement will occur before construction.

Council is progressing with the planning of the adjacent Power Road upgrade. This is in preparation for the Goshawk Boulevard extension to Power Road.

Both projects will provide local connectivity and distribution between Stringybark Road and Dixon Road.


For more information, please contact council.