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Memorial Drive will be upgraded to help the street operate more safely, efficiently and enhance the look and experience of the bustling area. The project includes the area of Memorial Drive, between Etheridge and Gridley Streets and some works in Lonergan Lane.

Stage One construction is between August to April 2025. 

Project scope

The streetscape upgrade features more tranquil outdoor seating, more shade, more trees and plants, safer pedestrian crossings with improved accessibility for everyone, and heritage and art interpretations.

The upgrade will help the street operate more safely and efficiently and enhance the look and experience of Memorial Drive (between Etheridge and Gridley Streets). Some works will also take place in Lonergan Lane (Stage Two).

To minimise impacts to our community and businesses, construction will take place in two stages. 

Stage One works are fully funded and will be split into two construction zones. Construction of the Bank Arcade zone from August followed by Etheridge Street zone from November 2024. An additional area of works between the CWA Hall and the bus stop will take place from late October to April 2025.

View Stage One Plan and the construction zones in the below table. 

Stage Two works are subject to further technical investigations and funding and are anticipated to start from April 2025. Council will continue to keep our community informed as Stage Two works are finalised.

Memorial Drive at Bank Arcade features (from August)Memorial Drive at Etheridge Street features (from October)
  • A raised pedestrian crossing
  • Seating area​
  • Wayfinding signage​
  • Upgraded footpath​ and new pram ramp​
  • Footpath extension for planting​
  • Landscaping
  • Water fountain and bins​
  • Roadway/crossing lighting​
  • A raised pedestrian crossing                            
  • Seating area​​ including high bar and stools​​
  • Wayfinding signage​​
  • Upgraded footpath​​ and new pram ramp​​
  • Footpath extension for planting
  • Landscaping​​
  • 'Bullock Circle' (heritage interpretation)​​
  • Bicycle racks, water fountain​​ and bins​​
  • Roadway/crossing lighting​​
  • Pathway lighting​​
  • Drainage swale and boulders

Project timeline

Access to Eumundi, including local businesses and the markets will remain available during construction. Construction will be halted over the peak Christmas-New Year trading period. 

  • June 2024 – Construction Information Session for community and businesses 
  • August  to April 2025 - Stage 1 Memorial Drive construction*
    • October 2024 - between Bank Arcade and Markets Upper Terrace: Stage One works including footpath and pedestrian crossing works will continue in this area. Refer August Construction Notification for description of works
    • Late October – mid-November 2024 - between CWA Hall to bus stop: The existing concrete footpath will be removed and replaced with a new, level footpath. The existing traffic islands will be removed in this area.
    • Mid-November 2024 – April 2025 - near Etheridge Street intersection: Refer to October Construction Notification for description of works
  • Friday 20 December 2024 to Monday 6 January 2025 (inclusive) - Construction shutdown
  • April to August 2025 - Stage 2 works planned to start* (subject to further technical investigations and funding)

*Elements of construction may be staged or altered as logistics and resources dictate. All works will be weather dependent and site conditions permitting. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Budget and funding

Budget and funding

What is the project’s budget? 

Council has committed $3,354,000 million for construction of the streetscape which includes a funding contribution from the State Government. 

Are all stages funded? 

Stage One is fully funded. 

Stage Two is subject to further technical investigations and funding. Council will continue to keep our community informed as Stage Two scope is finalised. 

Construction timing and staging

Construction timing and staging

What is the timing for construction?

Stage One construction will take place from August 2024 to April 2025. Construction stopped over the peak Christmas-New Year holiday period.

Memorial Drive at Bank Arcade will be constructed between August to November 2024. Memorial Drive at Etheridge Street will be constructed between November 2024 to April 2025. Timing is weather dependent. 

Stage Two is subject to further investigations and funding. Construction timing has not yet been finalised but is expected to start April 2025. Council will continue to keep our community informed.

Why can’t construction start in February or another time of the year?

There are many considerations that impact construction timing including funding, contractor availability and favourable weather seasons/conditions. Our region’s Summer and Autumn period generally experiences higher rainfall which can hamper construction progress and extend the duration of construction. Due to the nature and extent of works with the streetscape project, Easter and June/July school holiday periods would also be impacted. There is rarely a ‘perfect time’ to undertake construction. 

Why is the project being staged? 

Construction is being staged to minimise disruption to our community, including local businesses/markets. Within each stage, construction is being split into smaller ‘zones’ to further minimise disruption and ensure Eumundi remains open and accessible to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

Changes to parking and traffic conditions

Changes to parking and traffic conditions

How will parking be impacted during construction?

For safety reasons it will be necessary for some parking areas to be temporarily closed or changed to make areas for pedestrian access or vehicle traffic.  Information will be shared with our community in advance of any changes via emailed Construction Notifications and on the project website.  Signage will also be in place.

Construction contractors will be instructed to park private vehicles offsite, outside of the construction areas, thereby ensuring all parking spaces remain available for use by residents and visitors. 

How will parking be impacted post construction?

In accordance with the community's vision to make the street more attractive, shady and inclusive, approximately four per cent (17 parking bays) of the more than 400 existing parking bays will be permanently transformed into new pedestrian crossings, areas for street trees, planting, seating, public art, culture and heritage interpretation and outdoor dining areas. There will be an additional two motorcycle bays and the retention of the three existing PWD (People with Disability) Accessible parking bays in Memorial Drive.

Additional wayfinding signage will help direct our community to nearby parking areas within close proximity to Memorial Drive.

Will there be changes to traffic movements during construction?  

Memorial Drive and surrounding streets will remain open to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists during construction.

For safety reasons some temporary changes to traffic conditions will be required during construction.

Any changes will be communicated to our community well in advance via construction notifications and signage.

Changes will include:

  • One way traffic along Memorial Drive at some times
  • Left-in, left-out only from/to Etheridge Street at some times
  • Pedestrian detours via alternative footpaths
  • Alternative parking areas
  • Traffic control as required

Will there be any changes to speed limits during or after construction?

For safety reasons it is expected that a 40 km/hr speed limit would be applied to construction areas. 

Post construction a review of current speed limits will be undertaken.

Business trading and support (including markets)

Business trading and support (including markets)

Will businesses (including markets) be able to trade during the streetscape construction?
Yes. Council undertakes many streetscape upgrade projects in our region. Businesses will remain accessible and able to trade throughout the construction period.

How will businesses (including markets) be supported during construction?

Council will liaise with directly affected businesses including market management before and during construction to assist with forward planning and communication to staff and customers. 

While construction will be undertaken on Wednesdays (a market day) if safe to do so, disruptive works will be minimised as much as possible.

Nightworks will be undertaken in some cases to minimise impacts to day time trading.

A range of free resources are available to assist businesses during streetscape construction. These include: Contacting Council’s local Business Support Team, downloading Council’s Business Continuity Guide, a range of free business programs including: Level Up Your Business​, Build A Better Business Program​, ASBAS Digital Solutions program​ (all available on Council’s website). Council’s Community Grants Program may also be of use to local community groups, including the Chamber of Commerce.

Free business mentoring and support sessions were also offered to local businesses in August 2024 through a partnership with Sunshine Coast Council, Eumundi Chamber of Commerce and the Queensland Government's Mentoring for Growth Program.

For more information please visit: www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/business/

Is financial compensation available to affected businesses during construction?

No. Council acknowledges the impacts that construction can have on local communities. 

The Eumundi streetscape improvements are intended to deliver long term benefits to the local business community, property owners, residents and visitors.  Generally the law permits local government organisations to undertake works such as this with no financial compensation available (refer below).

Section 60 of the Local Government Act sets out that a local government has control of all roads in its local government area – this includes the ability to construct, maintain and improve roads.  Roads includes all other improvements in a road reserve (e.g. footpaths, street lighting, landscaping). As Council is exercising its powers in accordance with the Act there is no compensation payable

Is financial compensation available for trading footpath permits during construction?

No. Where a business has an existing footpath trading permit and their usual trading location is impacted during construction, Council will aim to relocate the business to allow trade to continue. However, if there is no alternative and the usual trading area is impacted, rental fees will not be charged during the period of impact.

Employment and supplier opportunities

Employment and supplier opportunities

How can locals get involved in the construction?

The project will be delivered by Council’s construction team. Local contractors and materials are often used in streetscape projects of this nature.

Local businesses may also benefit from construction staff buying food, drinks etc during the construction period.

Public art

Public art

Will public artwork be included in the streetscape design? 

Yes. Eumundi’s rich history and creativity forms part of the final design. As part of the overall project, an Expression of Interest process has been undertaken to engage local artists to create art elements and street furniture. Council will continue to keep our community informed.  

Community engagement

Community engagement

How was the community engaged in the streetscape design? 

Between 2020  and 2023 Council worked with the local community and businesses to gain ideas and feedback for the streetscape through display sessions, community workshops, meetings and business surveys. The final streetscape design was determined in 2023.  

Visit the previous HAVE YOUR SAY page to learn more.

Keep informed

Keep informed

How can I keep updated about the project?

Council will continue to keep our community informed of the streetscape project’s progress through updates on Council’s webpage, project updates emailed to people who register to receive them, and Council’s social media. 

Please subscribe for updates via the SUBSCRIBE link on the project webpage. (search for Eumundi Streetscape Project) 

How do I contact the project team directly?

A dedicated project email address is available for our community’s convenience.

To contact the project team, email: [email protected] 

Where to from here

The community and businesses were invited to attend a construction information night on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at Imperial Hotel, Eumundi. The project team provided details around the construction scheduling and methodology. 

Stage One construction started early August 2024 and is estimated to be completed April 2025 with stage Two works following.


Following extensive community engagement between 2020 and 2023, the streetscape design has been shaped by the community and uniquely reflects the character and history of the township. To learn about the previous community engagement process, please visit council’s Have Your Say website.


Make sure you stay up to date by subscribing to receive project updates and information on construction works. Please subscribe to stay in the loop.

Have a question for the project team, please email [email protected].

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