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Moffat Beach seawall repair project

The Moffat Beach seawall project is for protecting the Moffat Beach community parklands, paths, roads and facilities from future climate change impacts whilst providing access points from the parkland to the beach.

After the rain event in February 2022, a 50m section along the western part of the seawall at Moffat Beach collapsed due to a geotechnical (soil) failure.

A temporary fix to the failed section was completed in April 2022 (see background). The repairs stabilised that section of wall, but more work is needed to bring it up to current engineering standards. Planning for the reconstruction of this section – known as the western section – is underway.

Unfortunately, the same soil failure is continuing along the seawall. Council has been monitoring the wall. After the summer season, the middle section of seawall is also showing signs of significant movement and will need to be rebuilt.

For this reason, we have decided to restrict all access to the entire seawall for our community’s safety. A beach fence has been installed and will stay in place until it is reconstructed.  

Your safety

Beach access, chairs and tables remain open however we strongly urge you to to stay off the seawall completely and avoid the beach area at the base of the rock wall.

Rocks can fall onto the beach at any time, and quickly – within about 10-20 seconds – which means that anyone standing at the base of the rock wall may be injured.

The safety signage and fencing will remain in place for the time being.

Western and middle sections - project update

A total of $4.55 million has been allocated to rebuild the western and middle sections of the Moffat Beach seawall. This includes:

  •  $1.6 million from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority under a Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement agreement (approved in May 2023) for the western section
  • $150,000 from the Department of Transport and Main Roads (approved in August 2023) for the western section
  • $2.85 million through Council's 2024-25 budget (approved in June 2024) for the middle section.

Council’s funding allocation will allow us to rebuild the two sections of the seawall simultaneously and minimise impacts on our community.

When: this construction is scheduled for mid-2025, pending Queensland Government approvals.

What: works will include relocation of the vehicle access ramp to the western most part of the wall, new stairs, new showers, additional seating, a wider coastal pathway and the associated landscaping elements. 

Next steps: the final cost and design options for the seawall are being progressed and an independent consultant will soon be engaged for a full geotechnical investigation and coastal modelling. This will help create a seawall design that’s strong enough to withstand future climate events and also meet Queensland Government approval requirements. We expect to complete this investigation and design stage by the end of 2024.

While the seawall's design and size will be required to meet design and construction standards, manage coastal erosion, adhere to state requirements and be safe for the public, we will be seeking community input into what they value about the surrounding area to help us with our planning.

The community will have a chance to give their thoughts on the plants and other landscaping elements behind the seawall.

Minor works may occur on the seawall in the coming months to stabilise it before the summer storm season.

Further updates will be provided through this webpage.

You can also subscribe for updates here.

Eastern section – project update

The eastern section of seawall is only showing small signs of movement. Access to this section has been restricted as the soil failure may extend through this section if conditions deteriorate.

Monitoring of this section will continue for public safety. 

Beach access

We encourage you to continue using the temporary beach access we created next to Eleanor Shipley Park. It has a gentle slope to provide an alternative beach access for people who are unable to use stairs. The surface of BA273 is cement treated decomposed granite, which is similar to other beach access points and provides a hard base with a natural beach look. The access was also widened to approximately two metres and fenced either side.


Cracked and damaged seawall – March 2022

Read more on this:

Further information

For further information about this project please contact Council and state project number K3418 Moffat Beach seawall repair project or subscribe for updates here.